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Is a growth mindset good enough? There needs to be more than academic achievement. "yet" implies that there is a "good enough" end point and that is all that is required or even, that is all there is to know or "master".

[Mindset in Action] “growth mindset.” Popularized by Dr. Carol Dweck in her 2006 book, ‘Mindset,’ --- the belief that intelligence can be developed ... research show a powerful link between growth mindset and academic achievement. Research also shows that mindsets can be shifted, and when they are, students do better in school. ... research by [Kathy Liu Sun] has found that students are more likely to have a growth mindset in math classrooms where they are encouraged to explain their thinking, take risks, make mistakes, and persevere through challenges. On the other hand, students are more likely to develop a fixed mindset in classrooms where they are praised for speed and accuracy, not asked to explain their thinking or given time to struggle through confusion, and when they are only given one chance to submit work for a grade. ... learn how to tackle hurdles and mistakes. It’s important for students to experience challenges, as well as understand strategies to overcome them that make them stronger as mathematicians and problem solvers. 2017.3.8