User:Vtaylor/CIS 89A HTML and CSS/Summary 6

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Summary 6. Multimedia : Sound, light & magic

Multimedia can add a lot to web content. Thousands of hours of video are uploaded and viewed everyday. Many people prefer video or audio delivery of information.

This is an introductory web development college credit course. If all you want is coding, just use a book or tutorials. However, web development is so much more and we cover the all the basics - site planning, design, development process best practices, available technologies, introduction to job skills, and working collaboratively.

Your learning - This is a college credit course. The course covers a broad range of applicable topics and you are expected to demonstrate your understanding of these. Some will be more interesting to you than others. You are responsible for using the course to achieve your own learning needs. I'm here to help. If you have questions about the Assignment activities, please ask.

Supplemental videos - If you learn best from videos, rather than from text resources, supplemental videos are available. Videos are usually provided in the module Media section. Otherwise, search with the topic keyword and video for other resources.

Group discussions - Canvas is rather confusing. Find your group - Click on Discussions in the left navigation menu on the main course page. Your group discussion link is in the top section of the list of discussions.

Coding projects

Coding requirements - The coding assignments are flexible. Some students will struggle to include the basics. Others can stretch to demonstrate depth.

Image in text - It is often convenient to include an image in a page of text and have the text flow around the image. Or, think of this as "floating: the image within the text. Several people missed this in the coding assignment See Floats - Willard p.185

Code checkers - Although the code checker says there are errors in your code, your project may look ok in the browser. Browsers are really good at figuring out what you probably intended even though the code is wrong. Fix the code. Some browsers, especially on mobile devices can deal with the errors. The code checkers may not be perfect. They catch most errors most of the time and that is a big help even for experienced developers.

Site development - We will talk about the site planning process later in the course. There is wide variation in the practice of web development and tools use by professional developers.

Coming up...

Module 7. Lists : To the point

Bullet points, numbered lists, un-numbered lists are frequently used in web development. Visitors tend to skim the text. Lists make it easier to find the important points while skimming.