Talk:OER Handbook (c) paradox straw dog

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Objective view point?223:27, 3 November 2009

Objective view point?

Kim this is not an objective perspective --

It is pushing one side of the story at the expensive of the other.

I say this as a free software user -- as you are. Statements like "Fortunately, the "all powerful, all pervasive and indefinite" copyright issue has been raised before in the free software world and more recently by the free culture movement. -- are value judgments that are necessarily shared by all. It is our repsonsibity to present a balanced perspective.

Mackiwg (talk)18:39, 13 June 2008

I spoke with David today and he is very adamant about keeping mention of copyright as an enabler of OER. He is planning on contributing a few small paragraphs so that learners understand what the original purpose of copyright. Additionally, he also pointed out that copyright is what gives a rights holder the freedom to choose their license.

Personally, I have to agree with Mackiwg - I don't see copyright as inherently obstructionist. But at the heart of the issue is what is best for readers. I think if we reflect on the beliefs, assumptions and values educators are bringing to this handbook when reading, the middle of the road perspective we are forming is the most appropriate.

I sympathize with being uncomfortable about "enabler." Perhaps there is some way to compromise on the language, but I think we should keep the essence of the the page as it is right now.

As for the moving the fair use section, I think that could be done, provided we kept the enabler/barrier material in the introduction and put something noticeable pointing them to the location of the Fair Use information. I believe many educators are going to think they're protected by fair use more than they actually are and it is detrimental not say anything until the Licensing chapter.

That being said, if we are only going to keep those first two subsections of the page, then the page should be deprecated and that information should be merged back into Why OER? I think the outline of the introduction bounces around as it is right now:

Why OER? introductory paragraph Value/proposition of OER Considerations Copyright paradox (which in my mind is a part of Why OER?)

Sgurell (talk)05:16, 14 June 2008
Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 23:27, 3 November 2009

Thanks Wayne for the frank feedback, and Seth for the prompt response as always :-). Dilemma is not the right word ... more thought required here (on my part).

PS Relevant link: Brief History of Copyright.

Ktucker (talk)06:59, 14 June 2008