Principles of marketing/PMKT103/Product branding distribution channels/Required reading 3

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Supermarket shelves
One of the ways companies gain a competitive advantage in the market is through successful incorporation and management of marketing channels. A marketing channel is a set of practices or activities necessary to transfer the ownership of goods, and to move goods from production to consumption. This process typically consists of all the institutions and marketing activities involved in the promotion and distribution of goods. Management teams must evaluate competitive pressures to assess whether their marketing strategies are effective and profitable, or ineffective and costly to the organization . Sales remains the most popular way to measure performance.


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Marketing channel relationships
  1. Read the four articles on the Boundless website.
  2. How product branding and marketing distribution channels contribute to product success?
  3. Post a WEnote to comment on a product or service you use.
  4. Look on the course feed page to see what other have posted.

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