Principles of marketing/PMKT103/Product branding distribution channels/Required reading 2

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A department store
Whether a firm be a one person operation or one that employs thousands of people and generates billions in sales, all are in business to serve the needs of markets. In order to do this, these firms must be assured that their products are distributed to their intended markets. Most producing and manufacturing firms are not in a favorable position to perform all the tasks that would be necessary to distribute their products directly to their final user markets. In many instances, it is the expertise and availability of other channel institutions that make it possible for a producer/manufacturer to even participate in a particular market. Other channel members can be useful to the producer in designing the product, packaging it, pricing it, promoting it, and distributing it through the most effective channels.


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Channel strategy decisions
  1. Read the three articles found on the Boundless website.
  2. Think of a product or service you use. How appropriate is the distribution channel they use?
  3. Post a WEnote with your answer and look on the course feed page to see what others posted.

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