Principles of marketing/PMKT103/Digital marketing/Quiz 1

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Digital marketing quiz

Indicate whether the following statements are true or false:

  • Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networks allow companies to monitor customer conversations and quickly flag customer service issues and concerns
    • True
      • Correct. Social networks allow organizations the ability to see and hear what individuals and groups of customers are thinking about their products. They are an important customer service tool, and can help an organization mitigate risk from a product not doing what it's supposed to, or a group of customers who share stories of poor customer service - which can damage a company's brand.
    • False
      • Incorrect. Listening to social signals on digital media channels offers companies a valuable treasure trove of information and data, including: posts about the performance of their products (positive, neutral, negative); demographic information, how they are sharing content and to whom, visitor traffic, and more.
  • Colors, thought triggers, images and sounds address physiological buying behaviors.
    • True
      • Incorrect. Marketers are continuously researching customers to understand their psychological state - that will promote buying behaviour.
    • False
      • Correct. When customers are presented with specific images they can relate to (i.e., fresh-cold beer to rugged sports enthusiasts, or working-class males), they are more likely to have an emotional response to what is being shown to them. When emotions are piqued - a want becomes a need.
  • All digital media technologies are considered "user-generated" content.
    • True
      • Correct. Digital media technologies include YouTube videos, blogs, podcasts, review sites, Wikipedia and Facebook.
    • False
      • Incorrect. Digital media technologies depend on their users to add and share content, with their friends, family and colleagues, who in turn share and add content - thus growing the overall size of the community and available content.