Writing for Business Success/Understanding your audience/Video signpost Mindbody

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View video – You Too MindBody Fitness, UK: The NLP Communication Model. [4:50 min.] The neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) model describes how we filter information first through the five senses, and then again through our values, beliefs and attitudes, and interpretations. How we filter information influences our behaviour. Raising awareness of your own and others’ filters is key to developing flexible communication skills.

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View video series – In these two videos, the University of Amsterdam ICS MOOC discusses key concepts in perception research in Selective Processing [3:14 min.] and Cognitive Shortcuts [4:03 min.].

The first video reviews perception research that shows how audiences see, hear, and process messages on a sub-conscious level. We may think we’re processing information objectively, but in reality our minds filtering it, making connections where we see relevance, and blocking unwanted information. This process is known as cognitive bias, or using cognitive shortcuts.

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The second video, Cognitive Shortcuts [4:03 min.], expands on the concept of subjective information processing in terms of cognitive dissonance, one of the best known forms of cognitive bias.


Revisit the essay you did in the chapter exercises describing how perception limits, or expands, one’s view. What parts of your message would you revise, if any?