Writing for Business Success/Organization and outlines/Video signpost ecmoorewaketech

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View video – ecmoorewaketech: Rhetorical Modes and Transitions Intro [2:57 min.]

This brief animated video provides helpful information on particular words that are commonly used with different types of transitions, and rhetorical modes. Note: Rhetorical modes and transitions are not clearly differentiated in this video, but don’t let that confuse you.

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View video – CIS*2050*DE: Writing Process Animation. [13:12] This animated video demonstrates effective strategies to improve your writing from the moment you start working on your topic to when you put the final polish on your presentation. The speaker, Jonathan, presents detailed practical advices on how to navigate the key stages of the writing process effectively and efficiently. These key stages include planning your timeline, setting goals for key tasks, choosing your topic, drafting your outline, doing your research, writing your first draft, revising, adding supporting media to add value to your presentation, and proofreading your final draft.