Writing for Business Success/Organization and outlines/Video signpost Venditti2

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View video – Phil Venditti: How to Prepare a Speech Outline [6:18 min]. In this video, Venditti describes helpful steps to construct your speech outline. First, determine your topic, and break it into parts, using any form of organization you want so long as it is logical and clear. Venditti suggests organizing your information logic flow first, to clarify your introduction and conclusion. He emphasizes the importance of choosing your first and last words carefully for maximum impact, and suggests using storytelling conventions to tap into audience connection with familiar speech patterns. Another technique that may help when you are new to public speaking is to use your outline, or index cards notes, as cues to help you remember key points and transitions. Try also to make the final thought in your conclusion memorable for your audience. Can you think of a sound bite that might sum up the main idea in your own presentation?