Writing for Business Success/Delivering your message/Overview and Objectives

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The aim of this learning pathway is to help you build skills that improve your effectiveness in business communication.

Language plays a significant role in how people view and interact with the world. This is also true of culture, education, gender, race, and ethnicity. The learning materials in this pathway describe constructive ways to design messages for different audiences, and avoid accidental miscommunication, in both face-to-face and digital communication environments.

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At the end of this learning pathway, you will be able to:

  • Describe how language influences perception and the communication process.
  • Describe the different types and parts of messages, and their respective functions.
  • Describe the five key principles of verbal communication.
  • Describe six ways in which language can be a barrier to communication.
  • Explore five communication emphasis strategies.
  • Explain how to use six strategies to improve verbal communication.