Writing for Business Success//Session 2 Announcement

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Dear CCOM 101 participants,

Welcome to Session 2. These instructions are for the third Understanding your Audience learning pathway and the fourth Effective Business Writing learning pathway. If you have just joined us, you will find copies of the previous sessions in the Announcements section of the CCOM 101 course site.

Work through the learning materials and activities of this third Understanding your Audience learning pathway which aims to help you learn how your self-awareness and how others view you can influence your commmunication effectiveness. Getting to know your audience is also a vital part of designing messages because the way people select, organize, and interpret information is primed by personal experience, cultural expectations and media messages. You will also have various opportunities to practice ‘audience’ interviewing skills in various activities throughout this pathway.

Also work through the learning materials and activities of the fourth Effective Business Writing learning pathway which will help you to explore effective writing in business contexts, and consider similarities and differences between written and oral communication. Successful writing develops from good habits, like reading, targeted writing practice, critical thinking, and using rhetorical and cognate strategies. You will have opportunities to apply appropriate styles and ethical principles that help build communication bridges and overcome common barriers in various business writing contexts.

Reminder: Post your questions using WENotes course feed or the general course forum. Remember to include the url of the page where you are having problems.

We hope you enjoy this session.

Your facilitator(s)