User:Vtaylor/Learn more.../activities

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diigo activities - things to do

Manufacturing Technologies: Making a Picture Frame - Activity -
creating factory manufacturing processes, such as producing picture frames. This activity simulates the work that may be done in a factory so that students experience first-hand the basic steps of...
Instructables - How to make anything
website with multiple teaching tools for engineering. The website includes several projects and lesson plans for teaching engineering with fun, hands-on activities. This online forum began in the M...
Visual and Spatial Games | HAPPYneuron brain training
requires free resitrationVisual and Spatial GamesProcessing visual information in a 3-dimensional world is critical. Our ability to make sense of what we see helps us to interpret and navigate the...
Coding Tools Girls Will Love | Common Sense Education
how we can better diversify coding instruction for girls and beyond: 1). Start as early as possible; 2). Focus on creative coding; 3). Make it social and/or collaborative; and 4). Highlight mentors...
Curriculum Table of Contents: English - Technovation Girls
"learn how to use technology like mobile apps and AI to solve a community problem YOU care about. You'll work as part of a team of girls like you and get support from a mentor who will he...
Get Started - Technovation Girls
As a Technovation Girl, your team will... Identify a problem in your community (see some examples) Learn to code and create an app to solve that problem with support from your mentor – you...
Girls Who Game: Empowering female students to pursue STEM with Minecraft | Minecraft Education
imagining the school of the future. The emphasis wasn’t on technical skills, but on using digital tools to amplify their global competencies.
<p class="diigo-tags">&lt...
3 Cool Kinetic STEM Projects for Afterschool
classroom-tested STEM projects for kids that get them asking about color mixing and rotational forces, imagining how air pressure can make things rise and fall, planning systems with moving parts,...
STEM Activities - DiscoverE
STEM ActivitiesBoeing CentennialVideo profiles, interactive learning modules, family and teacher guides, and online engineering design challenges.Design Squad GlobalThis site has a lot of interesti...
STEM Activities for Kids - Home - STEM Activities for Kids

<p class="diigo-tags"><strong>Tags:</strong> <a href='' rel='tag'>stem&...