Final CIS2

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CIS2 Final Project

1. Introductions

The events that were most interesting to me were the events leading to the release of the BASH (Bourne-Again SHell). It is nice to see where companies split off and where new ones were born. The operating systems we now know are in some ways still very much the same as they once were from the beginning and it is amazing that we can still use some of these shells like the BASH shell and KORN shells for fun or for actual programing needs even though they were created such a long time ago.

Giovanni Ruiz Ramos - There are 11,540 people in the U.S. with the first name Giovanni and there are 214,412 people in the U.S. with the last name Ruiz. Giovanni also happens to be the name of a video game character in Pokemon mostly know for being the head of Team Rocket. There is also famous soccer player Giovanni Dos Santos but there is no famous or interesting person that I could find with my full first and last name.

2. Privacy and Freedom of Speech (Links to an external site.)

Engineer-Man: This Vlog/tutorial channel on YouTube I found a couple of months ago guided me through my programming classes and has helped understand other topics I now plan to dive into in the near future. His videos are mostly informative software engineering videos about JavaScript, Python, C, and Linux but even if you have no background in any of these topics, he makes it very easy to pick up. (Links to an external site.)

The article in the link posted above discusses the statistical data behind communication interceptions and how the interception weakens the encryption used to secure communication and puts users at risk. I really enjoyed this article because it breaks down the process of intercepting communication and the possible motivations of who is responsible for the interception. This information later helps to understand how to protect from communication interception and how to use encryption to protect personal information.

3. Intellectual Property

found the remix game a little difficult to follow but after looking online I found an article with a quick guide with a summary and explanation for each CC. The Quick Guide can be found here: (Links to an external site.). 

After Reading the quick guide, I went back to the remix game and was able to complete all the questions correctly. I learned what each CC meant and where would apply.

In a 1995 article for The Toronto Sun, Michele Mandel states that the internet had become a noisy "party line " and a hub for porn, hate speech, and instructions on how to build bombs. He calls for Censorship gatekeepers and editors to clean up the "pile of garbage" . I feel like today we are still faced with the same issue of finding a balance of cleaning up harmful/hateful information on the internet and freedom of speech .

4. Crime

5. Employment, Education, and Entertainment : (Links to an external site.)

This is an Article written to educate someone on what distance learning is and what it looks like in practice. It does a really good job on explain the ins and outs of distance learning in a short summary in the begging of the article to answer some of the basics questions someone might have. It also does a great job going further into detail on the research behind distance learning and provides a great discussion on both sides for and against distance learning, The article additionally goes as far as providing colleges and courses that offer distance learning. (Links to an external site.)m/the-case-for-more-recess/ (Links to an external site.) - The article linked makes a great argument that kids growing up need more recess in order to develop a more creative way of thinking and I strongly agree. Playgrounds is where I feel like creativity can grow and later extend into the classroom.

6. Midterm - Grand Challenges

There are many people who still to this day lack the access to clean drinking water. A packet was invented by P&G laundry scientists that can enable people anywhere in the world to purify dirty water in a simple, affordable and convenient way. A powered is mixed into dirty water and in minutes it is good to drink. This solution is very effective and easy to do but one of the challenges is to give people access to this powder. Also there are still some countries that will not be able to get access to this powder due to limited logistics.

I covered Ocean discovery and I learned about the challenges and processes that come with exploring the ocean depths. Looking into tis topic made me realize how much we still don't know. The majority of habitable space in located in deep-sea which is about 94% of total space on the earth and we have yet to explore no more than 20%.

7. Evaluating and Controlling Technology

The Current State of Machine Intelligence article linked above received a score of 5/5. This article does an excellent job in giving some background history on the source of the meaning of the keyword and also does a great job of putting the definition in easy to understand way. The article also has a diagram with very useful information about the path Machine Learning has taken over the years. A wide variety of sources are also linked adding to the credibility of the article.

This link can be very helpful when it comes to finding an open-source alternative to a paid app. Some of these apps are run by people who you can send a donation to if you feel like an app is so good you want to pay for it.

8. Risks, Failures, and Responsibilities

I found an interactive search engine that would anticipate the user's search and help guide them in the right path using a diagram. This YouTube video shows a short demonstration of the engine in use and would be very helpful finding data by guiding the user down the right path. This article provides some tips and general guidelines to help become a more professional individual in the workplace, something very important in big companies in the Silicon Valley

9. Anytime, Anywhere

Digital Wallets uses, advantages and disadvantages (Links to an external site.) This article has makes some really good points for the pros of using a Ewallet. It does however lack statistical data and lacks from a wide range of sources to back up its claims. The cons are also strong arguments but are mainly talking points and lack reinforcing data. I do wish that the article gave a more throughout explanation of the key term and gave some background about the topic before diving straight into the Pros and Cons. 3/5

While this article is a bit more shorter it gives the necessary background information and does a great job of listing pros and cons in bullet points. The article feels more organized and easy to read. It gets its point across easily and provides explanations for each point. I do wish it also had a diagram or some statistical data but that would just be adding to an already good article. (Links to an external site.)

The article linked discusses how the voting machines used by many states run on old software that can be easily hacked and manipulated. Windows 7 is not recommended to be used on personal machines and specifically in businesses because of their ease of hacking. I can not seem to understand how old software is allowed to run on machines that dictate who are next president is for the next 4 years when hacking and tampering accusations are running wild.

10. Technology Advances, Social Trends

The article listed about talks about four different scenarios that could happen due to automation. Usually when it comes to Automation there are two sides. One is for automation and one is against it at all cost. The article introduces each talking about by providing a brief discussions of where someone might face themselves when talking about the future of society due to automation. The are author dues a great job talking about the 4 different points in an unbiased manner. The reader gets all the facts and is then allowed to make their own conclusions on where they stand. The article also features great diagrams that go along with the discussion. Finally, I strongly believe with the authors conclusion that we should take action and plan ahead and try to make a road course for automation to prevent or slow the extremes of the talking points mentioned in the article.

2016 (Links to an external site.) Microsoft Education Award: Equal Access (Links to an external site.) had a huge impact on over 67 million households in nine countries across Asia, Africa and the Middle East. It allowed informative and educational media programs that tackle challenges like women’s rights and education. This innovation could help transform underdeveloped countries and spark an information revolutions all over the globe.

Yes Indeed (talk)17:20, 9 August 2019