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This module is an introduction to the camera arts.
Topics for this module are:

  • Early development
  • Impact on other media
  • Form and content
  • Darkroom processes
  • The human element
  • Color images
  • Photojournalism
  • Modern developments
  • Time based media: Film, video, and digital

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Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
  • Explain the effect photography has had on traditional artistic media.
  • Communicate how time-based mediums affect issues of content.
  • Compare and contrast different photographic processes.
  • Recognize and explain issues of form and content in photographs.
  • Explain the three elements of photojournalism.
  • Describe the effects photojournalism has on the news media.

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Included in this module is the activity Film.

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Assignment 2, Part B: Meanings of Photographs (5%) is included in this module.