Planning and managing organisations/PMAN103/Decision-making/Microblog

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Case study: WorldCom
Read the WorldCom case study from the Principles of Management book available from Saylor Academy.
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Identify how managers at WorldCom failed

Use the knowledge you've acquired so far in this learning pathway to answer the following question: What errors did the managers at WorldCom make that eventually led to their downfall?

Share your thoughts with your classmates by writing a blog post. Remember to tag (Wordpress) or label (Blogger) your blog post using the course tag: Planning and managing organizations/pman103/tag

For example, think about:

  • How the managers at WorldCom, including Bernard Ebbers, fell victim to some of the biases mentioned in your readings.
  • How group decision-making was a disadvantage in this case.

Note that you can also record your reflections in a written journal, if you prefer, but sharing your insights with your classmates means that you can trigger a discussion that may lead to a deeper understanding as we can all benefit from each other's experience.

(Comment.gif: The course tag appears in full in the text.)