OERu/Getting started with OERu/Introducing OERu snap shot tour

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The strength of the OERu consortium lies in the diversity of our international network of partners spanning six major regions of the world and volunteer contributors from the open community.

The OERu is a distributed, international and open organisation. It comprises many moving parts and adopts an agile development approach. It's not surprising that newcomers may be confused by what the OERu is and how it operates. We have selected a few online resources which provide a snap shot tour of the OERu.

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Web resources

Visit the following links to find out more about the OERu:

The OERu is an open community which provides the opportunity for anyone to join and contribute to our collaborative effort. Open communities are characterised by the open sharing of ideas through conversation and we value the the process more than the product. OERu courses are designed for independent study and rely on high levels of peer-to-peer learning interactions to support the learning process because offering courses for free, we do not have the funding to cover the costs of online tutorial services.

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In this induction course we model and promote open community conversation. After reading the suggested resource links on the OERu above, please share your thoughts and reflections by posting on WENotes, Twitter, groups.oeru.org or community.oeru.org. For example, share something new you learned about the OERu that you didn't know before or highlight a key point of difference of the OERu family which stands out for you. If you are using Twitter, remember to add "#GSwOERu" somewhere in your post because this is used to identify the post for the course feed. We invite you to share a short microblog-length post (about 140 characters) by filling in the missing words in one or more of these examples:

  • I didn't know that #OERu ... #GSwOERu
  • ... is a key point of difference of the #OERu #GSwOERu
  • I hope that #OERu ... #GSwOERu