Creating effective business presentations/Nonverbal Delivery Techniques/Video Signpost Booher

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View video series: Diana Booher – Personal Presence. This series includes 3 brief videos: The Power of Personal Presence – Part 1 [1:11 min.], Part 2 [1:34 min.] and Part 3 [1:57 min.].

In the first video, Booher defines presence and its impact on audiences. The second video describes how to develop presence by applying the rhetorical strategies of ethos, logos, and pathos to achieve your communication goals. The third video gives examples of how lack of presence decrease audience connection with the speaker. To develop presence, Booher suggests raising awareness of how you are communicating in everyday interactions, and becoming more intentional about how you are presenting yourself.

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View BananaManaTV: Andrew Bryant – Ep 3. Intentionality [1:51 min.] Bryant discusses how our intentions are expressed in our nonverbal communication whether we aware of it or not. Audiences will know whether you care about your own message and their needs, or not. Before you give any presentation, think carefully about why you are doing it, and what you can give to your audience.