Creating effective business presentations/Developing business presentations/Video signpost - Bavister

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View video – Speak First: Steve Bavister: Preparing for a presentation. [3:13 min.] Bavister observes many people start by gathering content information to develop their presentation. However, he points out, you need to be clear on your purpose(s) first to select and structure information appropriately. Bavister also notes that presentations involve more than one purpose. Clarity on what you want your audience to do, think, feel after your presentation will help you focus on key points and avoid unnecessary detail.

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View video – Matt Abrahams: The importance of knowing your audience and speaking context. [8:50 min.] Abrahams, a lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, explains how understanding your audience needs, expectations, and concerns will help you develop effective presentation content. He illustrates his point with real world ad campaigns that succeeded or failed based on how well they tailored their message to their audiences. Abrahams also provides practical guidance on how to engage audience interest in your core message right from the start.

As you viewed this video, what audience engagement strategies did you notice Abrahams using in his own informative speech?

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View video – Matt Abrahams: Valuable Presentation Structure = What? So What? Now What? [1:26 min.] Abrahams discusses how using this simple structure to frame your objective, its relevance, and required action will support fidelity and clarity of message communication in a business report context.