Creating effective business presentations/Developing business presentations/Tasks

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Communication Style Flexing Challenge Tasks

First, self-assess whether your own communication style is generally high context or low context, according to the learning resources in this topic. Were you surprised at all by the context descriptors in the resources, or do they make sense to you?

Reflect on your self assessment of your own communication style.

Note: Your comment will be displayed in the course feed.

Next, prepare two brief outlines of an informative presentation of a topic of interest to you – one framed for a high context communication style audience, and the other for a low context communication style audience. Try to access feedback on your outline from at least one person who sees themself as having a high context style, and one person who sees themself as having a low context style. You can ask people in your personal learning network for feedback, and/or your colleagues in this course. Your outline should be a 150-word summary of your informative presentation, that includes an attention statement, introduction, key points, and conclusion, for each of the two audience communication style contexts. Consider what kind of information and visual aids might increase effectiveness in each situation.

Finally, in the course discussion forum, describe what you did that was the same, and what you did differently to tailor your presentation for each audience, and why?