Creating effective business presentations/Developing business presentations/Public speaking myths and realities

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Read Chapter 10.4 in Business Communication for Success. The key concept in this reading is that public speaking can be as enjoyable as a friendly conversation when you are well prepared and organized. Fear of public speaking can be a powerful intrapersonal communication barrier. This common fear is often based on faulty beliefs that you have to be perfect, or that audiences will have negative attitudes. The learning activities in this topic describe techniques that can help you develop confidence and positive perceptions to keep improving your public speaking skills.

Recommended: Do the chapter exercises with the modifications suggested here. For the first exercise, as you prepare your informative presentation, set aside time to visualize a positive presentation experience in both your delivery and the audience response.

In the second exercise, write out goal statements for what you want to achieve with each part of your informative presentation. Rehearse your goal statements aloud, taking slow, complete breaths between statements to relax your delivery.

In the third exercise, describe how you would adjust key parts of your presentation if you were preparing a persuasive speech.

Reflect on these exercises.

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