Breastfeeding/Evaluation of Your Success

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If a baby is getting enough milk they will probably:

  • 1. They are nursing at least eight times in 24 hours
  • 2. In a quiet room, their mothers can hear them swallow while nursing.
  • 3. Their mothe’s breatst appear to soften after breastfeeding
  • 4. The number of wet diapers increases daily until the fourth or fifth day after birth, and there are at leasrt six to eight wet diapers every 24 hours
  • 5. Their stools are beginning to lighten in color by the third day after birth, or have changed to yellow no later than day 5
  • 6. Offering a supplemental bottle is not a reliable indicator because most babies will take a few ounces I they are getting enough breast milk.

Davidson, M London., Ladewig, P. (2008), Old's Maternal - Newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across the Lifespan. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson