Animals and Camouflage in their Habitats

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Quick Literary Activity based on the book: I see a kookaburra! : discovering animal habitats around the world
Lesson Plan Activity
1. The teacher will read the book to the class and point out the animal's different habitats. Make sure to mention how many of the animals in the pictures are blending in with their surroundings. Explain the importance of camouflage for many animals to survive.
2. After the book, students will be given a certain animal and they must do research at home in order to decide what habitat they are in. They also have to find out what the animal looks like and how it uses camoflauge to survive. There will be a worksheet that the students will take home to record their research on.
3. In class the next day, the students will have the oppurtunity to make the animal and their habitat out of a bunch of art supplies. The idea of this project is for the students to try and hide the animal in its habitat by making the animal in camoflauge.
According to Bloom's Hierarchy, the students will be using synthesis to produce new information or rearrange old information into new patterns or structures. The students are using their knowledge of the animals they used in this lab and the information from the book and their research to create their own model of an animal in a habitat.
This literary activity relates to Animal_Inventions

Jenkins, Steve. I see a kookaburra! : discovering animal habitats around the world.Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., 2005

a BES literature connection
Produced by students in Biology in Elementary Schools, a Saint Michael's College class.
Other resources can be found at the Biology in Elementary Schools home page