User talk:El Profesor

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Lists in your handout012:54, 26 February 2009
Introduction to Programming001:48, 26 February 2009

Lists in your handout

Hi Francis,

I was close this morning with the syntax. Here is a table with the correct syntax for doing bullets sublists of numbered lists. Cheers Rob

Kruhly (talk)12:54, 26 February 2009

Introduction to Programming

Programming Language

  • Computer program is a set of computer instructions used to solve a problem.
  • Computer programmers write programs in programming language which have special rules and statements.
  • There are many different programming languages that have been developed.
  • There are FOUR classes/generations of programming languages.
  • First Generation or Machine Code/language

- consist of 0s and 1s
- lowest level of programming language

  • Second Generation/Assembly language

- use of short codes to represent instructions eg (ADD, STO, SUB, ETC)

  • Third Generation/High Level Language:

- does not depend on the machine
- programmer doesnot have to focus on the machine. He can pay attention on solving the problem
- programs written in high level language uses English like statements and are easier to write
example:pascal, basic, C, fortran, cobol etc.

  • Fourth Generation Language (4GL)

- Uses English like statements like 2nd Generation.
- Easier to write than any other generation.
- User friendly messages and commands appear on the screen as icons. eg:- Visual Basic, Visual Fox Pro.
- Use built-in function and wizards that make it easier to arrive a solution to the problem.

El Profesor (talk)01:37, 26 February 2009