User talk:Alejacha

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Welcome to Alejandra's Talk Page!
Ale peque.jpg
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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Coment Please002:48, 20 October 2012
Kudos for the October 2011 Awards112:12, 11 October 2011
Congratulations001:01, 9 October 2011
My Peer GURU105:06, 29 September 2011
2009 COMMENTS005:24, 23 September 2011
«no subject»008:29, 9 March 2010
Question about hyperlinking a word of phrase014:38, 9 February 2010
Gracias216:02, 21 June 2009
Hello from Greece!111:45, 21 June 2009
Way to learn!111:35, 21 June 2009
Hello from Chicago!111:23, 21 June 2009
Say hello to you,Alejandra!103:48, 21 June 2009
Many thanks ...113:40, 20 June 2009
Warm regards103:15, 12 June 2009
«no subject»207:16, 11 June 2009
Thank you for being such a good Neighbor303:16, 10 June 2009
Do you help me?122:13, 4 June 2009
«no subject»108:41, 16 May 2009
Participants of EL4C26223:15, 15 May 2009
Wonderful Talk Welcome214:52, 15 May 2009
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Coment Please

Please visit my page and coment

Foez (talk)02:48, 20 October 2012

Kudos for the October 2011 Awards

Hi, I am very happy that you got the October 2011 UPE Awards. Kudos for the same. I am also thankful for your Wiki Neighbour help to copy code from your page. Do visit my page, I am also improving and comments from you would help me. I would also say that the photo of your mother reminded me of my mother also. Convey my mothers Hello and Namaste to her. Live the spirit of Wiki Educator and let us make world a great place for the future which is knowledge driven than terror driven I extend my good wishes for your family --Ravi limaye 05:47, 8 October 2011 (UTC)

Ravi limaye (talk)17:47, 8 October 2011
  • Mafalda.jpg
    Thank you so much for your fine words Ravi. You are right, we learn one from another, that's the way knowledge is spread... I`ll continue to visite you page to colaborate. Blessings --Alejacha 00:12, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
Alejacha (talk)12:12, 11 October 2011


Very impressive work. Thank you especially for your do and don't do of Moodle explanations. Good luck, it is incredible work especially with a little boy around. Bless him for you and keep up the good work.--Nadia El Borai 13:01, 8 October 2011 (UTC)

Nadia El Borai (talk)01:01, 9 October 2011

My Peer GURU

RTENOTITLE (Comment.gif: Hello! I liked your page and it helped me in learning about new things which can be done. In India GURU is a teacher You are my Peer Guru. Thanks. My family liked all the photoes on your page, the cartoon strip, Can you give link of your moodle course? - --Ravi limaye 16:11, 23 September 2011 (UTC))

Ravi limaye (talk)04:11, 24 September 2011

File:SoleteRayosÑajo.gif Hey Ravi! That's a wonderful tittle: "Peer Guru". Thank you!! I'm happy to know that you and your family enjoyed the pictures. I saw that you copied the presentation about Effective Adult Learning. Great!! By the way, the lady with gray hair in the third slide is my mom :) This is the link for my moodle academic project: [[1]] Congratulations for your Wiki Apprentice 2 certification!!--Alejacha 17:02, 28 September 2011 (UTC)

Alejacha (talk)05:02, 29 September 2011


Hello Alejacha. I see that you have an interest in linguistics and invite you to visit a page on applied linguistics. It's still very much a work in process, but if you'd like to collaborate, feel free to edit the pages as you wish.--Benjamin Stewart 18:11, 17 May 2009 (UTC)
Thank you Benjamin for your invitation to collaborate. I've visited your page and I found it full of high quality content and activities. I'm interested in America's native minority languages and Mexico is a blessed land with many native languages, some of them with very complex grammar systems. I hope I can go there some time in the future. Congratulations and best wishes from Lima, Perú.--Alejacha 02:21, 19 May 2009 (UTC)
Thank you Nellie. I feel inspired for each one of my wiki friends and the excellent content developed. I will continue working and sharing with everybody. All the best. --Alejacha 22:15, 27 May 2009 (UTC)

  • Thank you for encouragement. let's hope we shall keep doing the staff the same way. :) Vukasin
Thank you Vukasin. Helping each other we learn much better my friend. By the way, I recommend you to visit Gladys Gahona's "My testing Laboratory". It has good examples for different templates and resources for our wiki pages. --Alejacha 03:14, 5 June 2009 (UTC)--Alejacha 22:15, 27 May 2009 (UTC)

  • Hello Alejandra :-) I am glad to have you as my wikineighbour and i'm surely going to disturb you a number of times asking my queries. --Amanpreet kaur 17:00, 4 June 2009 (UTC)
It will be my pleasure to colaborate and share with you my experiences at any time. Don't forget to show your paintings and drawings :) Best wishes --Alejacha 03:14, 5 June 2009 (UTC)
  • I loved the changes you made on my user page. There is one more change i want to bring in my user page. I want to increase the size of the quotation 'a bird sitting...' on top of my page without making it a heading. Can you plz help me out?--Amanpreet kaur 13:47, 5 June 2009 (UTC)
Amanpreet, the codes that you are using are ok. There was just a little error is the font size. You wrote: font-size=20pt; and it should be: font-size:20pt. I've already corrected it and it worked. If you want to increase it more, just change the number of the font size. I like the colors you are adding to your page :)--Alejacha 19:31, 5 June 2009 (UTC)
  • Hola, Alejandra. Gracias por su mensaje. I am working my way through the tutorials, and I am sure that I will be asking you for help! Ciao. Brian Fahey
Bryan, I'll be more than happy to collaborate with you at any time. And nice picture!! Muchos saludos--Alejacha 01:49, 8 June 2009 (UTC)

  • Un placer conocerte Alejandra. Una excelente página web, muy completa y con un diseño cuidado. Muchas gracias por tus saludos. Un fuerte abrazo, --Dario.nuno 15:03, 18 June 2009 (UTC)
  • Mafalda.jpg
    Darío muchas gracias por tus comentarios. Eres muy amable. Vi que tienes una gran experiencia en tu campo con muchas publicaciones sobre diversos temas de psicología. Ojalá te animes a compartirnos algo acá en Wikieducator, ya sea en inglés o español. Será un honor poder colaborar contigo en lo que necesites. Cordiales saludos desde Lima, --Alejacha 00:17, 21 June 2009 (UTC)
  • Hola Alejandra! Wow! I'm really impressed with your user page, congratulations! Thank you very much for being my WikiNeighbour!

I didn't study Linguistics but Psychology and I'm very interested in Psychology of Language, in particular, my focus is on assessing prosody. I think your user page is very interesting! Great job! Un cordial saludo, --Pastora Martínez-Castilla

  • Mafalda.jpg
    Gracias Pastora! Thank you for your kind words. Great to know that you are interested in psychology of language. It's a very vast and fascinating field of knowledge and related with linguistics indeed. It would be wonderful if you add content about this topic on your page!! I would like to prepare some small courses (like a notebook) about language adquisition. Maybe we can collaborate together!. Un caluroso abrazo desde Lima, --Alejacha 00:43, 21 June 2009 (UTC)
  • I'm enjoying watching your page develop. Keep it up. --Nellie Deutsch 05:40, 19 June 2009 (UTC)
And I enjoy every moment at WikiEducator and sharing with all of you. Thank you for encouraging me Nellie. --Alejacha 00:49, 21 June 2009 (UTC)
  • Dear Alejandra, You have set an example of a good WikiNeighbour to Amanpreet. I have solved her template problem (small syntax errors). It has been a pleasure watching you get deeper into this community & adding useful links to your page. Warm wishes.--Gita Mathur 06:14, 19 June 2009 (UTC)

Dear Gita, happy to know that you help Amanpreet to solve the problem. And nice to see how fast wikifriends answered offering help. I enjoy every moment at Wikieducator and feel honored to collaborate with people all around the world. Thank you for this incredible opportunity. --Alejacha 03:05, 21 June 2009 (UTC)
  • Hi Alejacha, Sorry dear am so late, but really wanna thaank you for your good wishes, n nice words of appreciation.I really like your userpage, nice font, n information so well organized....keep it up buddy.--Yanubha 07:47, 15 July 2009 (UTC)
Alejacha (talk)05:24, 23 September 2011

«no subject»


Can you tell me how to add a new wiki page to my wiki educator page? I'd like to have a page for reflections. Thank you. RDS

Rds (talk)08:29, 9 March 2010

Question about hyperlinking a word of phrase

 Hola Alejandra,

I'm certain that you don't remember who I am, but a while back you wrote me and had indicated your willingness to help me edit my user page. Accordingly,

here is my question: How do I hyperlink text?  Thank you. If you can't reach me via Wiki you can email me at this address: 

Muchas gracias,


Rds (talk)14:37, 9 February 2010

Gracias Alejandra por tus palabras, me dan animo para continuar. De verdad se me dificulta y el proceso es mas lento al tener que leer en inglés las instrucciones. Te felicito por tu página, me encanta, es muy agradable a la vista. Un abrazo cordial desde la distancia :-)

Chuisa (talk)18:26, 18 June 2009

Hola Carmen, gracias a ti por tu mensaje. No te desanimes Carmen, como tu sabes al principio es un poco difícil, pero después uno le agarra la práctica... Al principio yo fui bastante lenta y a veces me sentí muy frustrada porque no comprendía las instrucciones, pero poco a poco fui descubriendo las cosas por ensayo y error :)Si hay algo en lo que te pueda ayudar por favor no dudes en avisarme. Leí en tu página acerca de tu preparación en tutoría virtual. En agosto empezaré a participar en un curso virtual de lingüística como tutora y ando un poco nerviosa... me gustaría hacerte algunas consultas si me lo permites. Un fuerte abrazo, --Alejacha 23:56, 20 June 2009 (UTC)

Alejacha (talk)11:56, 21 June 2009

Alejandra o mejor dicho "paisana" sabrás que nací en Lima-Perú pero con 30 años de residencia en Venezuela,así que mis afectos se dividen entre ambos países, nunca se deja de añorar la tierra en que se nació!!! También me emocionó ver que estudiaste en la U. Ricardo Palma, ahí empecé mi carrera de Psicología pero por cosas del destino la abandoné para venirme por estos lares. Así que siento desde ya un afecto especial por tí y sí cuando quieras estamos a la orden como se dice aquí, para lo que necesites. Es muy emocionante y a la vez gratificante tener la experiencia de ser tutora virtual, de la interacción cercana que establezcas con tus alumnos evitará que estos se sientan solos y abandonen el curso, lo que generalmente es la queja mas difundida en los cursos a distancia. Un abrazo desde la distancia :-) --chuisa 04:02, 21 June 2009 (UTC)

Chuisa (talk)16:02, 21 June 2009

Hello from Greece!

Hola Alejandra! Que tal?

thank you so much for commenting on my page! Your page is so attractive to the eye... it's a fine piece of art! And as I see you've done lots of work in technology!! Bravo! Besos from Greece --elenargy 19:16, 20 June 2009 (UTC)

Elenargy (talk)07:16, 21 June 2009
Eleny, thank you for your kind comments. Y gracias por escribirme en español, es muy lindo de tu parte... I will be more than happy to collaborate with you at any time. Warm regards, un abrazo. --Alejacha 23:45, 20 June 2009 (UTC)
Alejacha (talk)11:45, 21 June 2009

Way to learn!

Dear Alejandra,
I am really happy to get to your page after some time of lurking. There is no excuse, of course, and hopefully I will come back to your wonderful page and learn from you a lot. I used to use lots of other wiki platform, but not this one. It seems a bit difficult to learn HTML, but rather challenging.
After visiting in here, I will definitely come back. I really love your space: the formatting and content are SUPER! You are great! Stay warm and happy! --Nina Lyulkun 18:19, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

Nagora (talk)06:19, 19 June 2009

Hi Nina! I'm glad to see you again and at Storytelling session today... Great!! Please copy all the codes that you need for your page ... that is the wiky way!! And keep adding content to your page, you have a lot of experiences as educator to share with us. Let me know it you have any problem with codes. Thank you for the flower, I love to receive them!! Warm regards --Alejacha 23:35, 20 June 2009 (UTC)

Alejacha (talk)11:35, 21 June 2009

Hello from Chicago!

Hi, Alejacha.

Thank you for visiting me and introducing me to your very colorful page. Did you create your wonderful pages by using HTML? And, if you did, did you write the HTML here in Wikieducator or did you write it elsewhere and then copy and paste? Just wondering.

Bruna Ori

Lily8usa (talk)17:41, 19 June 2009

Hello Bruna, I'm impressed by your experience in adult education. I am just starting my teaching experience and I'm trying to applied instructional desing and the ideas of Jane Vella educator, probably you've heard about her? All the codes i've used, I've found and learned them here, at WikiEducator. Only the HTML codes for color are from an external page: [1]. I spent some time visiting the pages of "User Page Expo" winners, where I found many ideas for designing my page. Please continue adding content and pictures to your pages. You're doing an excellent job!! Warm regards, --Alejacha 16:35, 20 June 2009 (UTC)

Alejacha (talk)04:35, 21 June 2009

Say hello to you,Alejandra!

Hi, I'm Julia from China, thank you for your kindly message. Peru is beautiful, your mom is lovely:P .Your page is so rich, I think I can stroll around for quite a while. Glad to see you! --heyjulia 07:26, 19 June 2009 (UTC)

Heyjulia (talk)19:26, 19 June 2009

Hello Julia, Thank you so much for your kind words. You are doing a grat job at your page . Please keeping adding content about your experience as a English teacher and translator. It would be wonderful to see also some pictures of your beautiful country and its incredible and rich culture. All the best --Alejacha 15:41, 20 June 2009 (UTC)

Nino cusco.jpg
Alejacha (talk)03:41, 21 June 2009

Many thanks ...

  • ... gracias, for visiting my page and leaving your offer for help message. I am, as always, a work in progress and so are my pages ;-) I will be in touch again as soon as a wee bit more time can be squeezed in my schedule. I look forward to working with you and others in the WikiEducator forums.--Carolyeager 13:09, 19 June 2009 (UTC)
Carolyeager (talk)01:09, 20 June 2009
Hola Carol,

Happy to have the opportunity to meet you and collaborate with you at any time. It would be wonderful to see pictures of your work at college and your experience as an artist!. Some flowers for you :)--Alejacha 01:31, 20 June 2009 (UTC)

Alejacha (talk)13:31, 20 June 2009

Warm regards

Hello Alejandra. Iam Deepa Balagopal from India. I am glad to be introduced to a talented linguist and am inspired by your penchant for languages and their diversity. Being a beginner at Wikieducator, I do get stuck every now and then. Thank you very much for offering help. Warm regards--Deepa Balagopal 17:57, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

Deepa (talk)05:57, 11 June 2009

Mafalda.jpgHello Deepa. Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm not one of the experts at WikiEducator but I'm very happy if I can help and collaborate with my wikifriends. You are doing a great job in your page. The content is really interesting and you have beautiful pictures. Congratulations!! I read your parents are from Kerala. I've heard Kerala was declared "one of the ten paradisies of the world" by National Geographic. I dream about to have the chance to cross the ocean and visit your beautiful country. Best wishes from Peru. --Alejacha 15:12, 11 June 2009 (UTC)

Alejacha (talk)03:12, 12 June 2009

«no subject»

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 05:15, 3 June 2009

Hello Alejandra. I am having fun trying to work out how to use this space. Gita said there was an edit tab at the top of the page but I can't find it on my screen. The only edit tabs I can see are to the right of each participant's section. When I click edit and write anything it comes up on that person's entry! I guess I will get there eventually. Paul

Hello Paul, Don't worry The same happened to me when I started at WikiEducator. First be sure you are login in WikiEducator and that you are in your User page. Then you will see this in you page:

Edit Tumaki.jpg
(This is a screen capture of your User page.)
Please let me know if it works. Best wishes
--Alejacha 17:11, 2 June 2009 (UTC)

Tumuaki! (talk)08:32, 2 June 2009

Hello Alejandra - it's taken me 7 days to thank you for your friendly welcome - sorry about that. There's so much to learn and it seems as if one needs to do all that at once! However, I am enjoying the learning. The more I do the more familiar some things become. Thanks again.--Tumuaki! 08:01, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Tumuaki! (talk)20:01, 9 June 2009
Hi Paul! Nice picture!! You have developed a really great page. I'm impressed by your experience in the education field. I'm just starting my teaching experience and feel very honor to meet educators like you in WikiEducator. Warm regards from Lima, Peru. --Alejacha 19:01, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
Alejacha (talk)07:16, 11 June 2009

Thank you for being such a good Neighbor

Dear Alejandra, what a cheerful and warm looking talk page. Just like your visits. Thank you for being such a friendly neighbor. I love the flowers that you're always bringing, I think now even if you don't bring any flowers I will remember them when I see your post. they have become your trade mark :-) Tambien la Mafalda, es estupenda y te favorece :-) Lo siento mucho se mi castellano no es bastante bueno poreque hace mucho que no tengo oportunidad de practicar. La vedrad es no se que son las deferencias entre el Espanol de Espana que aprendi y el Espanol que se habla en America del Sud. A proposito, me fascina mucho saber algo de la historia de Peru. El video que tienes en la pagina tuia es muy interesante. I think we may be able to collaborate on one f the topics that you are interested in. I'll leave that till later :-) thanks again y hasta pronto --Maha (PinkSamurai) 21:02, 2 June 2009 (UTC)

PinkSamurai (talk)09:02, 3 June 2009

Dear Maha thank you so much for your kind words. When I started at Wikieducator there were beautiful people who helped me and guided me and continue encouranging me in my participation at WikiEducator. So I decided to do the same and try to help new members and make them feel confortable and relax :). Su español es realmente bueno y muchísimo mejor que mi English. La felicito!!! Las mayores diferencias entre el Español de España y Sudamérica se encuentra en el vocabulario y algunas diferencias en la pronunciación, pero la gramática es la misma. Es un honor saber que le interesa conocer más sobre la historia del Perú. Trataré de poner más información y fotos. Quedo a su disposición para cualquier idea de colaboración. It is a pleasure to see your progress and read your interesting comments and questions. I am more than happy to colaborate with you at any time. And some flowers for you from Peru.... :) Warm regards --Alejacha 23:18, 3 June 2009 (UTC)

Alejacha (talk)11:18, 4 June 2009

Hi. Thank you for being my neighbor.

Vukasinbvasic (talk)20:41, 9 June 2009

Hello Vukasin, I'm happy that we can collaborate and learn at WikiEducator. All the best--Alejacha 15:12, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Alejacha (talk)03:12, 10 June 2009

Do you help me?

M. A. Halim (talk)20:42, 4 June 2009

Hello Halim. I would be glad to help if I can. Please post your need and I will try to help and I am sure others will too. --Maha (PinkSamurai) 10:13, 4 June 2009 (UTC)

PinkSamurai (talk)22:13, 4 June 2009

«no subject»

Hi, I am your wiki neighbour. I am impressed with your user page. All the best.--manju a. lal 14:08, 15 May 2009 (UTC)

Manjuanandilal (talk)02:08, 16 May 2009

Dear Dr. Manju, Thank you so much for your nice words. I enjoyed reading your page. Please feel free to copy any codes or style you like. I did the same from other wikimembers. Blessings.--Alejacha 20:41, 15 May 2009 (UTC)

Alejacha (talk)08:41, 16 May 2009

Participants of EL4C26

Dear Participants of EL4C26, As a part of your learning skills, please leave a reply note here and also add a note on Discussion pages of fellow participants and Facilitators.--Gita Mathur 07:04, 14 May 2009 (UTC)

Gita Mathur (talk)19:04, 14 May 2009

Roses.jpg I'm happy and grateful for all I've learned. Congratulations to all EL4C26 participants and facilatators!!

Alejacha (talk)15:17, 15 May 2009

Dear Alejandra, It was indeed a pleasure to see your start-up and progress during this workshop. The roses are beautiful & I can even smell them vertually:-). Nice meeting you and becoming WikiFriends. --Gita Mathur 11:15, 15 May 2009 (UTC)

Gita Mathur (talk)23:15, 15 May 2009

Wonderful Talk Welcome

Dear Alejandra. This is a Wonderful 'Talk Welcome'. You have done very well. You started in no time with Apprentice Level 1 certification, quickly qualified for level 2 and now I see you are going to be a WikiBuddy very FAST! Keep up the good progress. Warm wishes, Gita --Gita Mathur 01:57, 14 May 2009 (UTC)

Gita Mathur (talk)13:57, 14 May 2009

Hi, do add the category for your country at the bottom of your page. See categories for countries and add, this is how you will me--Gita Mathur 05:49, 14 May 2009 (UTC)et others from your country.

Gita Mathur (talk)17:49, 14 May 2009

Dear Gita, It's all because of you, Gladys and Nellie who helped me and support me. You inspired me! I'll continue working hard on my project. Blessings.--Alejacha 02:52, 15 May 2009 (UTC)

Alejacha (talk)14:52, 15 May 2009
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