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If I were a fairy godmother, my gift to every child would be curiosity. * Curiosity is not about finding, but exploring

learn more... curiosity gifted creativity criticalthinking

2019.5 See Think Wonder A routine for exploring works of art and other interesting things * What do you see? What do you think about that? What does it make you wonder? What ever happened to wonder? At he beginning of each module, I ask students to post an "I know..." statement - standard activate prior knowledge thinking. There is usually a reflection prompt at the end of a module. These work well except when they include "see think wonder" prompts. Informal evaluation of hundreds of student replies - kids don't know how to wonder or don't understand the word / concept or how to express it. Why is this so hard? I wonder ...

  • Wonderopolis® a place where natural curiosity and imagination lead to exploration and discovery in learners of all ages. Each day, we pose an intriguing question—the Wonder of the Day®—and explore it in a variety of ways.


can't learn unless they have high attention and high commitment * why kids pay attention, and how we can empower them to create and focus,

2018.6 * Conversations spark our curiosity. Stories inspire, educate, and motivate us. Real people. Real questions. Real conversations. * Instead of trying to measure learning, document it. *

exploration discovery * assessing - quiz, questions, feedback * encouraging * glxdev - ideas * notice listen question * design thinking * questioning questions * that's interesting... * creative thinking * curiosity literature, references * curiosity theory map

5 dimensions of curiosity: 1. Joyous Exploration - this is the prototype of curiosity – the recognition and desire to seek out new knowledge and information, and the subsequent joy of learning and growing. 2. Deprivation Sensitivity - this dimension has a distinct emotional tone, with anxiety and tension being more prominent than joy – pondering abstract or complex ideas, trying to solve problems, and seeking to reduce gaps in knowledge. 3. Stress Tolerance - this dimension is about the willingness to embrace the doubt, confusion, anxiety, and other forms of distress that arise from exploring new, unexpected, complex, mysterious, or obscure events. 4. Social Curiosity - wanting to know what other people are thinking and doing by observing, talking, or listening in to conversations. 5. Thrill Seeking - the willingness to take physical, social, and financial risks to acquire varied, complex, and intense experiences. * 4 types of curious people: 1. The Fascinated - high on all dimensions of curiosity, particularly Joyous Exploration 2. Problem Solvers - high on Deprivation Sensitivity, medium on other dimensions 3. Empathizers - high on Social Curiosity, medium on other dimensions 4. Avoiders - low on all dimensions, particularly Stress Tolerance * more... formal paper * Curious?: Discover the Missing Ingredient to a Fulfilling Life

curiosity testing assess * Mussel (2013)

five major traits in the Big Five theory, open-mindedness * Results from psychometric tests such as the CTPI-R have proven this: people with high scores in curiosity also achieve good results in creativity and have a desire to innovate. Some character traits such as being independent, intuitive, experimental, or adaptable can also indicate that a person is naturally predisposed to being creative. * Like children who marvel, we should never stop asking questions so we can discover, understand, and learn about the world and bring about change.

Kashdan scale .pdf

Paul Silvia * Litman, J. A., & Silvia, P. J. (2006). The latent structure of trait curiosity: Evidence for interest and deprivation curiosity dimensions. Journal of Personality Assessment, 86, 318-328.

Curiosity will load on Factor V (Openness to Experience), use an Openness-type scale as a proxy measure. * Curiosity and Exploration: Facilitating Positive Subjective Experiences and Personal Growth Opportunities * may need to differentiate clearly between curiosity understood as trait, and state.

Hogan HPI. The Inquisitive scale measures: imagination, curiosity, and creative potential.

inquisitiveness - intellectual curiosity. Inquisitiveness is the tendency to want to know things, even if they are not immediately or obviously useful at the moment. It is being curious and eager to acquire new knowledge and to learn the explanations for things even when the applications of that new learning is not immediately apparent.

Curiosity test - in this context refers to persistent desire to learn and discover new things and ideas. A curious person always looks for new and original ways of thinking, likes to learn, searches for alternative solutions even when traditional solutions are present and available, enjoys reading books and watching documentaries,

* video Alan November - kids tutorials don't ask sorry i didn't get what you taught. take test. group take test and grade. go over answers. information directly to kids.

  • itsLearning

* Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) program allows students to earn credit for workplace experiences that reinforce their academic studies, such as interning at a dentist’s office or the local radio station.

* “At high levels of curiosity, the achievement gap associated with poverty was essentially closed,” Shah says. That finding hints that promoting inquisitive thinking could reduce differences in school performance related to socioeconomic disadvantage. In future work, Shah hopes to identify parenting styles that help explain why some students are so driven to learn, which might lead to interventions benefiting economically disadvantaged children. * teachers can be models of how to be comfortable with uncertainty. That idea stems from the fact that, in her work, Jirout defines and measures curiosity in terms of how people respond to gaps in their knowledge. Teachers can demonstrate through their own mistakes or uncertainty that admitting to not knowing something opens up an opportunity for learning. * adjust the levels of freedom and handholding they give students. With curiosity, you need just enough information to be intrigued — too little can make a situation bewildering and too much robs you of the opportunity to explore a topic and learn for yourself. Curiosity, then, like so many things, is all about balance.


2018.6 notice listen question * diigo curiosity questions problem solving reflection

curiosity and how to get better at it

  • what it is - why is this important, who cares *
  • learning - learning to learn
  • what do you need - explore, resources, expertise,
  • questions - your own, others - formal question formulation techniques
  • creativity * not same as being able to draw (skill - learn, practice) * 5Is of Creativity Fluency — Identify, Inspire, Imagine, Interpolate, and Inspect—form the key to unlocking anyone’s creative potential. * some similarities to engineering design process * Q: difference creativity / curiosity - business creativity, education learning ? leadership curiosity
  • imagination - visualization perspective
  • critical thinking ? what is specific about this vs general curiosity ? spectrum
  • applied - problem solving, moon shot, grand challenges society * deliver a solution * 6Ds process of Solution Fluency — Define, Discover, Dream, Design, Deliver, Debrief — are your path to gaining superhuman problem-solving skills.
  • global learning accessibility
  • find share use protect make solve
  • collaborate/cooperate communicate critical thinking
  • how to - specific guidelines suggestions

creativity tools interactive

online tools to get those curiosity juices flowing - diigo creativity tools interactive


connection between curiosity and stories

  • Storytelling at Work - exploration of the power of story and why it is such an effective way to open minds, transmit meaning, spark commitment, and change behavior. why storytelling is our species preferred form of communication and how to tap into its transformative magic.


Great Quotes about Curiosity * “Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will.” – James Stephens * “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” – Dorothy Parker * “Only the curious have something to find.” – Anonymous * “Satisfaction of one’s curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.” – Dr. Linus Pauling

how to

  • to encourage questions is to model inquisitiveness themselves.
  • The Power of the Question * brain functions involved in crafting a question – speech, memory, reflection, big-picture thinking, inhibition – rather than a specific process of asking.

frameworks * engineering design process

||Ask| Imagine | ||

  • Right Question Institute - effective questioning through a five-step process: posing, refining, prioritizing, asking, and reflecting on questions. * open-ended question may be ideal, but in other circumstances, a closed-ended question may be more suitable
  • 5 Is of Creative Fluency * 6 Ds * * 5Is of Creativity Fluency — Identify, Inspire, Imagine, Interpolate, and Inspect—form the key to unlocking anyone’s creative potential. * 6Ds process of Solution Fluency — Define, Discover, Dream, Design, Deliver, Debrief — are your path to gaining superhuman problem-solving skills.
  • become an inquisitive person. Question everything. Look for the flaws in plans or in others’ reasoning. When you notice something isn’t working quite right, ask: “Why?” and “How can I/we make it better?” Give yourself opportunities to do this by cultivating your curiosity:

types of curiosity and how it works

  • Perceptual curiosity is a drive for novel stimuli and it appears to be hardwired into us as children, though it fades the longer we are exposed to an object, idea or world.
  • epistemic curiosity, the drive for knowledge and understanding
  • the brain rewards anticipation of an answer – or, the act of curiosity itself.
  • To be curious is to have a knowledge gap between what you currently know and what you need to know to be effective. Embrace Curiosity


  • ThinkLab
  • UC Davis

2018.4 * let’s help kids do more than just notice cool things that happen in the world. Help foster the curiosity and ability to find out WHY that cool thing happens and what it could mean applied elsewhere. PBL

Luck. Optimism.

2018.4 * Providing multiple avenues of entry to coding, such as the carnival activity, or coding through hip hop music making or other creative activity can become something everyone can engage in, creative thinking

2018.2 * design thinking * tolerance for ambiguity * design thinking in k-12 * flare and focus * empathy human problem centered * kinder cinderella - empathy character study + fun creativity * fail forward lots of ideas take best feedback homing device in shoe dating service for cinderella she could do better * web site make 3 radically different designs then final

Regarding students with low self-efficacy: "They would rather do nothing than feel dumb." -- Alice Keleer

How might we ... design / action WHAT and for WHOM in order to CHANGE something?

  • eduWells - “How” is a word that has a bias towards action. It implied the something is to be done. “Might” acts as a safety blanket as it offers the students the freedom to fail. This ensures that more are likely to give it a go. “We” pushes the collective responsibility and collaborative aspect meaning nobody will be alone.
  • learn empathize prototype * topic ides issues share * empathize with target profile (facts) viewpoint (opinions) interaction * design * prototype pitch critique

2017.12.11 Stanford crash course in design thinking 90 minutes * empathize define ideate prototype test

2017.12.11 * [in classroom] - outline of their team’s plan to tackling the specific needs they have within the topic/task and how they propose to evidence their achievement of the learning objectives. The other team give feedback on things they may not have covered and if their preposed idea for presenting the topic will also successfully cover the details in the learning objectives.

Design Thinking: * The Human Rule: All Design Activity Is Ultimately Social in Nature * The Ambiguity Rule: Design Thinkers Must Preserve Ambiguity * The Re-design Rule: All Design Is Re-design * The Tangibility Rule: Making Ideas Tangible Always Facilitates Communication


  • it's about the feedback * developing humans - Roger Weissberg of CASEL said, “Right now what would be most helpful would be a classroom focus on powerful learning and feedback systems for students and teachers.”
  • Webb's Depth of Knowledge - very specific feedback about depth of knowledge ? how learners use this to direct their learning * questions
  • * pyramid - name, describe, explain, compare, sugget

we 3

  • learner - what's in it for me
  • agent - follow me, also interesting, informative, knowledgeable other, curator * MKO - More Knowledgeable Other Lev Vygotsky and ZPD
  • technology - data, next appropriate

previous thoughts - agent, learner directed


when the right person finds the right question, it can set them on a journey to change the world. - ..

Rubik's Cube: A question, waiting to be answered (video) - when the right person finds the right question, it can set them on a journey to change the world. We salute Ernő Rubik and everyone helping young minds find the questions that challenge, excite, and let them see the world in a new way.




uncertainty * the more novel an idea, the more uncertainty can exist about whether an idea is practical, useful, error free, and reliably reproduced * studies demonstrated a negative bias toward creativity (relative to practicality) when participants experienced uncertainty. Furthermore, the bias against creativity interfered with participants’ ability to recognize a creative idea. These results reveal a concealed barrier that creative actors may face as they attempt to gain acceptance for their novel ideas.



independence, resilience.

satisfiers and uncertainty, risk-averse, pressure to conform

  • People don’t actually like creativity. - "creativity that is rarely acknowledged: Most people don’t actually like it. Studies confirm what many creative people have suspected all along: People are biased against creative thinking, despite all of their insistence otherwise.“We think of creative people in a heroic manner, and we celebrate them, but the thing we celebrate is the after-effect,” s most people are risk-averse. satisfiers. “As much as we celebrate independence in Western cultures, there is an awful lot of pressure to conform,

institutionalized mediocrity * systematic rejection of good ideas

  • teachers overwhelmingly discriminate against creative students, favoring their satisfier classmates who more readily follow directions and do what they’re told.


  • tinkering tink•er•ing n. An act of tinkering; an experimental fix or change. from tinker: someone who mends pots and pans
  • together - huge impact
  • challenge - cheap - recycle bin. personal, small, authentic, low-tech, tinker, iterate, model, prototype, talk through design
  • hands-on e4k

“What will you change?”

  • interests - what do you like? What are your hobbies? When are you happiest? What’s your favorite subject? - like, happy, smile, favorite
  • skills - what are you good at? Is there anything you have won an award/certificate in? What do your friends say you’re good at? What subject do you get the highest marks in? - can do, do well, enjoy getting better, want to improve
  • desires - what do you want? What do you think would make people happier? What do you think might make the world a better place? - other people, think big

What problems do you want to solve when you grow up?

  • find, use, protect, solve, share, create - learning literacies
  • motivation, curiosity, problem solving,
  • spatial visualization, lego, 3d printing, origami
  • programming - Scratch, hour of code, tinkercad, app inventor
  • mobile - text, review, recommend
  • who would you hire? game
  • Leader in me - based on Covey 7 Habits
  • guests - ERAU, STEMchicks Mt Dora
  • app for that - groups or pairs and brainstorm problems they face and come up with solutions. • invent an app that does something extraordinary to help humanity. For example, they might invent an app that teleports them to school. • create a 1 minute video that demonstrates their newly invented app’s abilities. • present the app to their classmates.

teachers lunch and learn

  • sharing
  • need
  • Critical thinking is a set of tools that help you correct errors in your own reasoning and resist being persuaded by errors in others. It has the same status as mathematics, and failing to teach it has similarly devastating consequences. --OLDaily

Motivation is literally the desire to do things. It's the crucial element in setting and attaining goals—and research shows you can influence your own levels of motivation and self-control. So figure out what you want, power through the pain period, and start being who you want to be.

motivation - want / need, objective

  • list, one "hard" thing, urgent/important, "objective" - vague > doable
  • Why You Don’t Need Motivation - Motivation is about alignment. It’s not necessarily about wanting something very badly, but more about wanting something completely. When we lack motivation, some part of us is saying, I don’t want to reach that goal it doesn’t serve me. Maybe it’s time to change our objective, maybe we need to look inward and take care of other things first. Or maybe we just need to take a deep breath, relax, and listen to the wind for a while.
  • Reflection Questions – The Most Important Questions You’ll Answer This Year - plan by reflecting with a list of powerful questions
  • - 5 Ways to Stay Focused on the Important - 1. Set 3 Most Important Tasks (MITs) for the day. Often the best way to find out what the most important tasks are is to narrow down your three most important items for the day. Ask yourself: “If I could only do three things today, what would I feel the most fulfilled in doing?”

curiosity quotient - quiz questions to gauge level of curiosity

  • curiosity - I think that we are naturally curious. I can learn to be (more) curious.
  • notice listen question * I notice things around me. I often listen to sounds around me. I ask a lot of questions. I like to have answers to questions.
  • What are some dumb questions? Sometimes I ask dumb questions.
  • KWLH Know Wonder/Want Learn How * Do you think about what you want to know about or learn more about?
  • I say "I wonder..." often.
  • I "google that", look up information, find answers to questions.

  • innovative - encourage to use technology - programming, building the tools they want, hacking - lots of examples of new functions created by college students for music sharing, online games, instant messaging
  • inquisitive - ask questions, find answers without agents (parents, teachers, textbooks, news media, government sources
  • demanding - know what is possible and expect everything to be provided to that standard - multimedia experience, instant access to information, professional presentation, authoritative
  • academic goal oriented - what do I have to do to get an "A"
  • social - social networks, friends, communication, sharing information
  • passive - entitlement, pre-processed - just tell what I need to know.

tools for self-directed learning * “conversation for action” or a “conversation for possibilities,” * “commitment-based management,” * speech acts * request offer accept/decline declare/assert assess commitment

  • Cycle of Commitment * v.. Getting kids (and employees) to take responsibility for their work and learning This is describes the process more clearly * This isn't new. However when we get kids to become self-directed learners, it is useful to have a simple specific framework. This is written from a business perspective with customers and performers. In an organization where individual employees are encouraged to be more autonomous and take responsibility for directing their own work and interaction with others, some formalization and tracking is helpful. * "Teacher" and "student" could easily be substituted. There are situations when the student is the customer as well as where the student is the performer. The student/performer commits to doing the homework on time. The teacher/performer commits to reviewing and grading the assignment.

  • Fernando Flores - he will assess you. He may make an offer, which you are free to accept or decline. If you accept, he will make a commitment to fulfill his promise. These simple words, or “speech acts,” form the vocabulary of a set of practices. Their purpose is to help organizations realize improvements in productivity, coordination, and culture — by codifying and making effective the directives and agreements at the core of business conversation. * “commitment-based management,” “conversations for action,” * Cambridge University professor J.L. Austin in a series of lectures published posthumously in 1962 as How to Do Things with Words. * John Searle, a Berkeley professor and former student of J.L. Austin. Searle had refined Austin’s concepts into a practical set of phrases, coining the term speech acts to describe them. * mid-1980s, Action Technologies * method based on five basic speech acts: declaring, offering (and accepting offers), making requests and promises, asserting, and assessing. * offers are conditional promises * assert that “John is flaky,” but an assessment is, by nature, a more reliable description of reality, since it is based solidly on observation: “John has missed his last three client calls.”

  • method I-o * 5th graders - pre-reqs for 6th grade math
  • gihub open source project practices

  • Class teaches leadership skills to middle school students - Rules for leadership, as developed by Moose Pierce and his students. 1) Don’t Panic 2) Leaders express gratitude … often! 3) Leaders speak responsibly 4) Leaders make other people better 5) Leaders cannot be intimidated by brick walls 6) Leaders need to develop listening skills 7) Leaders need to keep learning


  • Computational thinking: A digital age skill for everyone In a rapidly changing world, today's students will need a whole new set of skills to solve tomorrow's problems. Computational thinking gives them the ability to recognize when and how technology can boost their own critical-thinking, creative and problem-solving skills in order to find innovative solutions to real-world problems.
  • Computational Thinking is Computational Learning SciPy 2014 | Lorena Barba (video 58:00) - "Computational Thinking is Computational Learning - connectiveisn tools of connection comparison association analogy mapping transitions in thinking * personal learning - Downes * iPython Noyebook * Jeannette Wing - MIT computational thinking

Design thinking DESIGN THINKING

Inquiry learning INQUIRY LEARNING

driving question

Paideia Method


  • To Visual Teaching * read * hear * view images * watch videos * attend exhibits/sites * watch a demonstration * participate in hands-on workshops * design collaborative lessons * simulate, model or experience a lesson * design/perform a presentation - do the real thing

learning from failure

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."

Learning from Failure

  • Famous Failures (video 2:58) - This video mentions well known people who had failed, but kept pressing on until they became successful. Lots of surprises.

  • Science - Scientific Method, experimentation
  • Engineering - Engineering Design Process, prototyping, failure analysis

Googleable Questions vs Non-Googleable Questions

  • How do I recover from failure?
  • What is failure?
  • How / why did I fail?
  • Can I recover from this?
  • How is it that this failure can better me?
  • Why am I a failure?
  • Why does failure exist?
  • How do we prepare to succeed?
  • How do I feel about failure?
  • How many people fail a day?
  • Why do most famous people fail?
  • How to fail from having success?
  • How do people recover from failure and be great?
  • How come most celebrities rise above failure?
  • How do most people fail?

Learning from Failure - online resources search and forward for publishing

Learn more...

  • gateway competency - respond to the complexity and changeability. inquisitiveness, a bias toward asking and learning, and an authentic interest in others and what they might have to share. use questions strategically, as a tool to advance insight, understanding and action. approach life assuming that people are generally complex and interesting.
  • 11 Tips to Encourage Curiosity - good list ? implement * Try new things together. Seek out opportunities to expand your horizons as a family, whether it’s new experiences, new friendships, new games, new activities, or new foods. * Talk about the world around you. Observe, comment on, and question the phenomena you encounter that make you curious. * Ask them lots of questions. Spur your kids’ thinking and inspire them to wonder about the world around them.

  • curiosity has three attributes: intensity, transience, and associations with impulsivity. All three are pejorative terms in the traditional classroom. elementary student's curiosity is defined thus: a child "reacts positively to new, strange, incongruous, or mysterious elements in his environment by moving towards them, exploring them, or manipulating them ... [he] scans his surroundings seeking new experiences." Curiosity is inherently dynamic and propulsive. For students to be curious, they must feel worthy of seeking. They must feel entitled to ask questions and encouraged to stray, to explore, to seek. provide students time to wonder and be curious. Counterintuitively, our role as teachers is not to provide answers. Our role is to give time and free rein to inherent curiosity and questions, and let our students exist in the heightened state of hungering for knowledge.