11. Final Projects

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For the Final Project, you will be working collaboratively in small groups to research and present lists of reviewed resources for CIS2 topics. Working collaboratively online is challenging. This project is intended to give you an opportunity to use skills and technology to work through the process to produce a web-delivered presentation.

Learning outcomes

  • experience online collaborative writing
  • complete collaborative tasks with deadlines


  • collaboration

Study questions

  • How is online collaboration different from in-class group work?
  • What are some of the ways to improve communication within the group?
  • What are some of the ways that online group work can get off track?
  • What are the benefits of online collaboration?



For this Project, in small groups, work together online to prepare a public wiki page that is a list of "best" resources for the course. CIS2 Group Projects

Work Groups - You have been assigned to one of 3 Groups in Projects Group discussion in Canvas. You can only access your own group within this discussion. The list of member names in Project Groups discussion has been added to each Group WikiEducator page. Start working on the Project now. Make contact using the Project discussion and work out a plan for the project. Put final Group Projects lists in the CIS2 Group Projects page in WikiEducator. The main page is CIS2 Group Projects
There is a separate page for each of the 3 groups

NOTE: For 11. Group Projects Due date ALL Individual Work AND Group Work must be completed.

Work with your group to set deadlines for completing individual lists, reviewing the lists of others in your group, discussing and selecting resources for the "group list", formatting and publishing the group list. Individual work and Group work are listed separately for clarity. All items in both lists are due on the same date - 11. Group Projects Due date

Individual Work

Each person in the group contributes their own resource selections and descriptions to the wiki page for the project group. Start by creating your list in your own WikiEducator account page.

This is your project, for your benefit. This is your personal summary of the course. You may use / reuse your own work, your own comments on provided selected media, links provided by other students with your own comments, and/or original research you do now for this project.

  • If you are satisfied with your knowledge based on the readings and discussions, that's fine. If you are still curious about some topics within the course, take this opportunity to dig a little deeper and find additional resources that answer your questions. Explore and discover additional resources that are appropriate to expanding your understanding of the topic and that are particularly interesting to you. Other links might provide even better information about the topic. These can be any type of resources - ones you wish had been there from beginning - textbook, articles, media - lectures, other video, examples, assignments, reading, open textbooks, podcasts, diagrams.

On your own wikieducator.org account page, list all your individual project selections. For each of the ten (10) topics in the course, provide links to resources that have been useful for understanding and advancing your knowledge of the course topic. There should be a minimum of two (2) resources for each topic.

  • Note the source of each - Selected Media list, discussions, new searches.
  • Include a description of why you selected each resource. What did it get you thinking about? What questions did it answer for you? Did it start an interesting discussion? Is it something that everyone needs to know? Did it make you smile? 2-3 sentences maximum.
  • Of the 2 or more you selected for each topic, indicate the one that your think was the BEST for this topic.
  • Tip - Making the module names "headings" is a big improvement. Click on the big A in the edit tool bar. Also see Help Cheatsheet
  • Post a link to your wikieducator page with your selections to your project Group discussion topic. Review the work of others in your group.

Group work - Collaboration

As a group, from the all individual lists from the group, pick the "best" resource for each of the ten (10) course topics, and describe the criteria for selecting from your combined lists for each of the topics.

  • In the Projects discussion forum, post all your group discussions as replies to your project Group discussion. This is a good way to keep the group communications organized and available to all. Review the resources lists and descriptions and comment in your group, adding your thoughts about the selections and provide feedback to improve or enhance the Group Project page content for your group. "Vote" for the best resources by adding a "+" to your choice followed by your name. Combine your ideas and work together as outlined in the Group project guidelines.
  • Group Projects page - Your group's project page is created as a collaboration. In your group's project wiki page, include all the best links and a description for how the "best" ones were chosen.
    Demonstrate your problem-based learning (PBL) skills - good critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity & innovation.
  • In addition to making sure that your information is correct, links work, descriptions are college-level writing, you can make your page more interesting by adding pictures that compliment the topics from Wikiemdia Commons. All material published in WikiEducator must comply with the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license.
  • When the group project page is ready for Peer Review, one person in the group posts a link in 12. Peer Review module to the Peer review and feedback discussion topic for the group.

For 11. Group Projects Due date

  • Individual Project - On your personal WikiEducator account User page, list your 2 or more media selections for each of 10 topics and indicate your recommendation for "best" for each topic.
  • Reflection - What was your favorite topic? What was the ONE resource that taught you the most about computers and society? Answer these questions and submit to Individual Project assignment.
    ** INCLUDE the web address of your individual list on your WikiEducator page.
  • Group collaboration - "best" resources for each of 10 topics selected by the group through discussion. Post the link to your list on your WikiEducator account page to your project group discussion topic. Work out how you will select the Group list selections and add these selections and descriptions to the Project page for your group. The Group page should be neatly and consistently formatted.
  • Post a link to the project in the 12. Peer Review - Peer review and feedback discussion.
  • Group Project submission - Respond to the Project Summary quiz to provide information about the collaboration and your participation in your project group. This is important. This is how your individual grade for the project is determined.

Suggestions for Group Writing

For each group, there is a WikiEducator Group Projects page. Edit the page to include your group's consensus for the "best" resources for each of the 10 course topics, as well as links to the individual lists in the WikiEducator accounts of each group member.

Here are some suggestions to help your group prepare your Group Project.

  • This is a group effort, so writing should not include "I" statements.
  • The final review is everyone's job. Revision can be done by the entire group OR by the group member who volunteers to be the Editor with input and suggestions from the group. Everyone on the team participates in the final review.
  • If all groups members are revising the final presentation, use the page "discussion" to explain changes for your team.
  • If there is an Editor, that person makes changes. Others should review and make suggestions for final edits. However, the editor should not be making significant changes to the submission of others. If the editor feels that there should be major revisions, discuss it with the author. Correcting spelling and minor grammatical errors is ok.
  • Spelling and neatness count. Even though this is a course in the Computer Information Systems (CIS) department, all writing, citations and formatting are being graded by college-level writing standards.
  • Allow more time than you think you will need. Create a timeline and stick to it. Schedule rough drafts to be done early so there is enough time to review and revise. Collaborating online takes time.
  • The wiki automatically tracks changes so you can view previous versions as History. The main view is always the current version so there should not be any issues when working collaboratively on the writing.
  • There is a discussion for questions about the Group project assignment. If you have questions, please ask!

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