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Contact-new.svg Stefan Rasporich
Headshot thumbnail.jpg
Other roles:Actor, Writer
Country:New Zealand
Certificate orange.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by Pschlicht .


I am an actor, writer, and educator from Canada who has recently completed a Master's in Educational Technology. I worked with the Calgary Arts Academy since its inception from 2003-2007 and currently teach drama at Papanui High School in Christchurch, New Zealand. These days, I'm writing the script for a romantic comedy entitled Racewalker.


The Pangea Day festival on May 10th is a great way to get involved with world films, and I look forward to Wikieducator's contributions to next year's festival. It is my hope that we can share some of our stories as educators at this festival, and I would love to work with musicians and filmmakers to help bring these stories to life! My latest contribution towards this goal is the collaborative video about visual storytelling.

MyAthans login page example

Croquet is a 3D learning environment made with the Squeak programming language to set up some fantastic 'immersive' experiences. I would like to work with Croquet as the place within which MyAthans, a fantasy world learning environment, could be developed.

The Belladonna Film Trust is a non-profit group dedicated to making filmmaking affordable for emerging artists. I am involved with the monthly radio program on Plains FM - the topic for the first three shows is about screenwriting.


  • I have followed this up with a proposal for an online learning environment entitled 'MyAthans' which I am posting updates to on a webpage created using eXe. I also have examples of previous work I have done on a similar eXe ePortfolio.
  • I have contributed music to the collaborative video for the Learning4Content project. Creating and sharing music is something I love to do, and it is my choice as an artist to share some of my work using the Creative Commons licence.

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Web Resources

Take a look at for open, remixable video content.


  • My first commercial role as the 'wannabe boyfriend' for Coast Mountain Sports. Click here
  • This is the beginning of a music video to a song I composed entitled Milazo/Bontrager about two bikes that were stolen and returned the same day.

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After a basketball game in American Samoa
During my travels I meet many interesting people, including these two gentleman in American Samoa who I had a basketball game with.

List of original compositions