User:Ranjanasaxena/WIKIE PROJECT

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Parasitology is the study of parasites.

Medical parasitology is the study of parasites that cause human infection and diseases.

Now what is a PARASITE?

Parasite is derived from the greek word Parasitos which means 'one who lives at others expense'. In other words parasite is a living organism which receives nourishment and shelter from other organisms where it lives. The organism on which it lives to take shelter and food is called HOST.

A parasite can either be an 'ectoparasite or an endoparasite

Lives on the surface of the host without penetrating the tissues e.g. Lice, ticks, mites etc. Lives within the body of the host e.g. Liver fluke, Tapeworm, Entamoeba, Trypanosoma etc.

Name of some of the parasites and the disease caused by it:

Entamoeba histolytica amoebiasis
Leishmania donovani visceral leishmaniasis, kala azar
Trypanosoma cruzi chagas disease, american sleeping sickness
Trypanosoma brucei gambiense gambian sleeping sickness
Taenia solium taeniasis
Fasciola hepatica fascioliasis, liver rot in sheep
Ascaris ascariasis
Wuchereria bancrofti filariasis, elephentiasis

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Your Roll No.____________

<centre>B.Sc. (Hons.)/I-2004</centre>

                                              MIDTERM EXAMINATION 2003-04
                                               APPLIED ZOOLOGY- PARER I
                                              (Biology of Non-Chordata)

Time: 3 Hours

                                                                                                                      Maximum Marks 50
                              (Write your Roll. No. on top immediately on receipt of this question paper)
                                     Answer Five question in all. Question No.1 is compulsory

1. (a) Difference between:

i. Protostomia and Deuterostomia

ii. Book gill and Book lung

iii. Fringing reef and Barrier reef

iv. Nereis and Heteronereis MARKS 4

(b) Substitute one word for each of the following:

i. Bilaterally symmetrical larva with long arms (Like an upturned easel)supported by skeleton rods.

ii. Feeding on blood.

iii. Spicules with three axis.

iv. False body cavity. MARKS 2

(c) Give generic names and classify the following upto classes:

i. Venus flower basket

ii. Sea cucumber

iii. Cuttle fish

iv. Portuguese man of war MARKS 2

(d) Give one function for each:

i. Malpighian tubule

ii. Parapodium

iii. Perial setae

iv. Coxal gland

v. Chloragogen

vi. Coanocytes MARKS 3

(e) Name the adults of the following larval forms:

i. Naiad

ii. Zoea

iii. Glochindium

iv. Amphiblastula

v. Protaspis

iv. Miracidium MARKS 3

2. Decribe the respiratory organ and mechanism of respiration in cockroach. MARKS 9

3. (a) Explain the sol get theory in amoeba.

  (b) Describe the water-vascular system of a sea star.  Add a note on its 
       significance in Echinoderms.							                                      MARKS 4,5

4. (a) Explain different types of metamorphosis is insects with examples for each.Explain the role of hormones in the development of insects.

  (b) With the help of neat-labeled diagrams explain the process of conjugation.Discuss its significance.                    MARKS 5,4

5. What is excretion? Describe different type of excretory organs you have studied in Annelida. MARKS 9

6. Write short notes on any three

i. Skeleton in sponges

ii. Metamerism

iii. Social life in insects MARKS 3,3,3 iv. Osmoregulation

Your Roll No……………………….. B.Sc. (Hons.) / I-2004 MIDTERM EXAMINATION 2003-04 APPLIED ZOOLOGY- PARER III (Biology of Animal Parasite)

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks 50 (Write your Roll. No. on top immediately on receipt of this question paper)


1. (a) Differentiate between i. Cyclopropagative and cyclodevelopmental transmission ii. Metacyst and Oocyst iii. Male and Female Ascaris 3

   (b) Name the vector/Intermediate host and the disease caused by each of the 
       following :
i. Wuchereria bancrofti 

ii. Trypanosoma gambiense iii. Serpent worm 3

   (C) Explain the functions of the following :

i. Mehlis gland ii. Gynaecophoric canal iii. Gubernaculum 3

   (d) Define the following

i. Paratenic host ii. Schistosomule iii. Pandemic 3

   (e) i. Explain the Microfilarial periodicity is Wuchereria banerofti. 
       ii. What will happen if the trophozoite of  Entamoeba enters the body of man. 2

2. What is a digenetic life cycle? Explain the life cycle with reference to any one of

   the parasites that you have studied. Add a note on the pathogenicity and prophylaxis
   of the parasite.											 9

3. What is the causative agent of Kala Azar. Give a detailed account of the

   Morphology, life cycle and prophylaxis of the causative agent.				9

4. (i) Name the different species of parasite that causes malaria in human beings. 1

  (ii) How is malaria transmitted from an infected to healthy person.			1
  (iii) Explain the sexual phase of life cycle.							6
  (iv) What are the probable factors responsible for the development of the         parasite in the body of the vector? 							       1

5. Write short notes on any three: - i. Blister formation in Medina work. 3 ii. Parasitic adaptations in Taenia. 3 iii. Coccidiosis. 3 iv. Entamoeba. 3