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Welcome to Randy Fisher's Masters Project I page

MA, Organization Management & Development, Fielding Graduate University, California (April 2009)


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Page 1

Standard citation

Fisher, Randy (2008). Primal Needs Gone Digital: Educators' Motivations in Collaborative Wiki Spaces

Core hypothesis

Educators from learning organizations are drawn to WikiEducator for three motivational needs: (1) power; (2) achievement; or (3) affiliation.


Pioneering educator-authors are contributing their energies and talents, insights and perspectives to the global self-organizing WikiEducator community and contributing to open education resource (OER) projects - while working with established academic/learning organizations. Motivated by self-interest and a need for achievement, affiliation and power and varying forms of compensation, a growing global cluster of strategically-minded individuals and learning organizations are developing a scalable and sustainable model for free and open education. Undaunted by a complex, self-organizing ecosystem, wiki skills gaps and open source technology hiccups, educator-authors are engaging in meaningful participation, limited collaboration, and experiencing and increased performance and productivity.


  • motivation, *wiki, collaboration, cooperation, education, organizational change, *open source, linux, FOSS, fear, resistance, needs, technology, technological change, complexity, *self-organization

Key references

Babbie, E. (1998). The practice of social research. Eighth Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

Lamb, B. (2004). "Wide Open Spaces: Wiki, Ready or Not", in EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 39, no. 5 (September/October 2004): 36–48. Retrieved December 6,2009 from

McLelland, David C. And Michael Burnham (1976). Power is the Great Motivator, Best of Harvard Business Review: Motivating People (2003).

'WikiEducator Statistics Reports (Tables & Charts). (2008). Retrieved December 5, 2008, from

'WikiEducator Strategy and Timeline: Quick Facts and Highlights. (2008). Retrieved December 2, 2008, from

WikiEducator Top Contributors. (2008). Retrieved December 5, 2008, from

Page 2

Table of Contents

  1. Primal Needs in the Digital Age: Educators' Motivations in Collaborative Wiki Spaces
  2. Executive Summary
  3. The Wiki Process
  4. Needs-Based Motivation Supports Wiki Use, Growth
  5. Experiencing a New Experience
  6. Primary Motivational Needs
  7. Compelling Motivational Needs
  8. Needs-Based Motivation Theory
  9. Intervention |outline Intervention
  10. Measuring WikiEducators' Effectiveness
  11. WikiEducators on the Move
  12. Research Methodology
  13. Motivated by the Wiki-Way
  14. Complex, Self-Organizing Ecosystems (new chapter)
  15. An Open Community of Shared Interest & Support
  16. Hippie Era Motivation Theory Meets the Digital
  17. Where Do WE Go From Here?
  18. The Control Paradox and a Paradigm Shift
  19. Discussion / Conclusion
  20. References