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Contact-new.svg Elina Ithindi
Elina Ithindi
Employer:Polytechnic of Namibia
Other roles:Course Writing/Development
Certificate orange.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by Pschlicht .

Name: Elina Ithindi

Institution: Polytechnic of Namibia


Welcome to Elina's web page. The purpose of this platform is to share and exchange''educational information or ideas. Everyone is free to make a contribution.

Areas of interest

  • Language learning technologies
  • English language teaching
  • Literature

I am not necessarily an expert in the areas mentioned above. However, I can share the little knowledge I have in these areas with others who are interested. I am looking forward to get valuable assistance and guidance from you in my learning path.I might make mistakes here and there, but I would appreciate this as mistakes are part of the learning process.