User:Catkins in nz

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My profile

Dr Clare Atkins

My name is Clare Atkins and I am a Principal Lecturer at Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology where I mostly teach on the Bachelor of Information Technology. I also spend a little time as Research Leader at NMIT and am actively involved in a number of research projects mostly in collaboration with people from other ITPs or Universities.

My interests

My original academic study was in the History of South Asia, at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University - I even studied Sanskrit for a while! For the last 15 years though my interest has been in Information Systems/Information Technology and my PhD awarded in 2000 from Massey University was in Information Sciences.

I am a very strong supporter of the concept of free education for all - to me that is how we grow as individuals and as societies and I feel very comfortable in this community! I will be encouraging as many people as I can to be involved!

I am also passionate about the use of multi-user virtual environments for education and I am currently co-leading the Second Life Education for New Zealand Project (SLENZ). All resources produced for this project are under a CC by licence and much of the learning material is here on WikiEducator.

My Website, blog and contact particulars

I am involved with a number of blogs and websites including
My personal Second Life Blog - Arwenna's Blog [1]
The SLENZ project blog - Slenz Blog [2]
The SLENZ website - [3]
The ITP Research Forum blog - itp research matters [4]

I am happy to be contacted at