User:Akash Agarwal/GSOC Deliverables timeline draft

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This is a draft of the Deliverables and Timeline for my proposal. Based on a quick review I plan to add on to it and write some use cases, draw some example pages and break down tasks further.


The project would be divided into 3 parts:

Course registration and flow improvements

Currently wikieducator relies heavily on widgets, including widgets for Course Registration, Schedule, Quiz, Poll, Mini blog feeds(WEnotes), etc. The wikimedia education program is an mediawiki extension which has some basic functionality,ie, mainly a page for creating an institution, courses within it, feature to add and view students and a basic dashboard. For the first part of the project the extension will be extended to include the features of existing wikieducator widgets and those from ideas.

Peer evaluation

OERu needs a scalable way to grade students. This is where peer evaluation comes in. It will be an extension which allows the learners and other people involved in the course to grade peers. A fixed number of activities of a particular kind will be assigned to each learner which he/she will have to grade. Others for example, instructors, courses managers can choose any blog which they would want to grade.

Rudimentary analytics and basic automation

  • A page with the consolidated report of the course. It will contain information like the number of people involved, the percentage of them active in the past week, the number of microblog,forum, blog posts by an average learner, highlights of some of these posts, etc.
  • Prototype of a service which tells whether the submitted posts are about the activity.


Timeline Task
April 22 - May 18 Community bonding period: Getting to know in detail about WikiEducator and OERu, learnig about Mediawiki extensions and through reading of its documentation. Interacting with mentors and improving on the development plans
May 19 - May 25 (1 week) Get the basics in place for the Course extension. Make sure that it can be deployed with existing wikieducator installation and the code is as per mediawiki extension guidelines.
May 25 - June 1 (2 weeks) Complete the Course extension. Test the code, write the basic documentation and deploy in on to beta version of WikiEducator.
June 1 - June 8 (1 week) Iterate on the extension, buffer time for unexpected errors, adding on some more features based on suggestions by mentors.
June 8 - June 26 (2.5 weeks) Peer evaluation extension - Write the extension, test it and deploy on a wikieducator installation.
June 27 Midterm evaluation deadline.
June 28- July 4 (1 week) Wrap up the peer evaluation extension.
July 5 - July 27 (3 weeks) Improve the course registration extension to add a dashboard with a consolidated report. As per the time available work on analytics and basic automation.
July 28 - August 10 Buffer time for unexpected bugs that are found for the 3 deliverances. If all is fine continue adding on to the analytics and basic automation.
August 11 - August 17 Pencils down date - scrub code, test it and improve documentation.
August 18 Firm pencils down date.
August 22 Final evaluation deadline.