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The earliest effort at deliberate Quality Assurance seemed to have been made by one of the member institutions in 2002. According to the director of this institution what had existed was the planning unit, which operated under the VC’s office. However, in October 2002 the VC restructured the planning unit and it was then called the Quality Assurance and Planning Unit. The unit housed Quality Assurance, Strategic Planning and Data Management. Additionally, they dealt with applications and admissions.
This was closely followed by other institutions in 2003, 2005 and 2006. In at least three Institutions Quality Assurance was amalgamated to other previously separate units.


The Quality Assurance Unit is planning to publish the findings of research in an article based on a survey that covered the whole of Ghana. Subsequently, it hopes to establish a journal with African continental coverage. Since the Unit is operating in collaboration with five other public Universities in Ghana, it is involved in the Development of a document that would guide the operation of Quality Assurance in the country. It is our fervent hope that given the necessary push, the Quality Assurance Unit would stand tall among its peers in promoting excellence in UEW and the African continent.