Summary of Day Eight Activities

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Day Eight: Wednesday March 21st

Morning Session

The day's programme started with the usual welcome and introduction. For the first part of the morning participants moved into their respective groups and continued work started the previous day, that is, the development of ODL content for the wiki on the following topics:

  • Developing a Student Guide
  • Relevant Technologies
  • ID(Instructional Design)models.
  • Course Evaluation
  • Other Key Issues Associated with ODL.
  • Pre-workshop Checklist.

Groups were so immersed in what they were doing that the usual rush for 'morning break refershments' was not particularly apparent that morning.

The 'Virtual review' followed the morning break. Each group read another group's work posted on the wiki and gave feedback and comments (virtually). Groups were then able to refine work based on comments and feedback received.

Afternoon Session

The afternoon programme contained two components:

  1. Mini Presentations
  2. Visit to the Singapore Management University (SMU).

Mini Presentations

The first presentation was made by Professor Patrick James of the University of South Australia. Prof. James' visit extended one day and his mandate was to observe what is happening in the Singapore Bootcamp 2 and to assess the possibility of a future bootcamp in Australia.

Prof. James presented his professional profile and outlined his role and area of interest in ODL. The floor was then open for questions and observations.

Mrs Fiona Spence of New Zealand next presented one of her projects titled 'TE PUNGA Voyager Tutorial: The University of Auckland Library's Voyager Tutorial' which she completed some two years back. The target group for the Tutorial is students of the Auckland University and in Fiona's view it is a great success and students love it.

The last presentation was by members of the Carribean Region(Charles of Belize and Stephen of Dominica). It was about ODL in the region.

Visit to the SMU

We were received by Associate Professor WONG Yuekee, the Director for the University's Center for Teaching and Learning, and his team.

Refreshments were followed by presentations on several aspects of the University, namely:

  • Overview of the SMU
    • Student population
    • Academic programs
    • Support Centres for Faculty.
  • The SMU Teaching Experience.
  • Centre for Teaching and Learning.
  • SMU Vista 4: the e-learning platform.
  • Development of Digital Media Teaching.
  • Teaching Excellence-Faculty Development.

The information about SMU proved to be very interesting and there was much food for thought and ideas to adopt and adapt to our home contexts. Questions from the group were numerous but unfortunately we were limited by time.

The visit culminated with a tour of the SMU's massive and impressive library.

All in all, the day proved to be productive. A lot was achieved and there was much to experience and learn.

--Fernesta1 14:06, 22 March 2007 (CET)