OERu/Planning/Technology working group/2015-09-28

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Date 28 September 2015, 13.30 NZDT
Where appear.in/OERu


  1. Feedback: North American Regional meeting
  2. OERu 2015.10 meeting
    • WordPress site (Local time, IDevice background, moving to meetings.oeru.org to our multisite install, other?)
    • Etherpad Lite for remote breakouts
  3. WP Configuration for multisite - negotiate with Jim - work out where OERu WP theme lives, and where it should be retrieved from for each instance.
    • sites are using the master branch of the oeru_course theme
  4. BBB Test - job for AWS elastic compute instance?
  5. Mattermost trial? https://mattermost.nzoss.org.nz as soon as I get the domain configured and an SSL cert
    • alternatives include:
  6. Wiki theme for CCANZ subset of content
  7. Let's Encrypt nearly ready (beta available now, if we opt-in - link (to a Google form, direct link blocked by MediaWiki spam filter :)) is here: https://letsencrypt.org/2015/09/14/our-first-cert.html )

Notes and decisions

  1. Don't move meetings.oeru.org to multi-site install
  2. Will set up Etherpad install for OERu 2015.10 meeting in SA - preferably by Friday am to prep-populate pads for virtual breakout sessions. Will use HTTP authentication (a pop-up login form) with a single set of credentials for all participants.
  3. Proceed with small test of BBB (initially for internal testing. I suggest we expand the test to a few "trusted" users to give feedback after international testing.)
  4. Keen to explore mattermost (or alternate) as possible replacement for WEnotes.
  5. Will advise CCANZ that we are happy to host a MW install if required.