OERu/Planning/Strategic planning working group/4th meeting

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When: 29 July 2015, 11:00AM NZST (Click on link for local time.)
Where: Hangouts

Please add or amend agenda items as appropriate directly in the wiki below.


  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Matters arising - Review of progress on Action items from 3rd meeting
  3. Review of 2015 KPI allocations
  4. Course development schedule
  5. CIPP input evaluation
  6. Regional meeting for open business models - USQ 27 - 28 August 2015.
  7. Update: groups.oeru.org (email lists for working groups)
  8. Update: community.oeru.org (OERu discourse community site)
  9. Action calendar and next meeting


  1. Attendance: David Porter, Jim Taylor, Catherine Clark and Wayne Mackintosh
  2. Reviewed Reviewed progress on Action items from 3rd meeting noting that we are awaiting the report back from the OERuMC to update the 2015 priorities.
  3. Demonstrated how to navigate to the Working group page and agenda from the planning portal in the wiki.
  4. Reviewed 2015 KPI allocations and Course development schedule
    • Noted that a number of KPIs are shared across working groups.
    • Stressed the importance for partners to update and provide accurate information regarding completion dates and planned dates of delivery. This is a key output for the Strategic Planning group to be tabled at the October partners meeting.
    • Noted the need to recalibrate product development targets - It doesn't appear that 25 full course equivalents are likely to be completed during 2015.
    • Resolved that OERu partners who have contributed course nominations will be invited to update the anticipated completion dates and projected delivery dates of existing nominations. Partners who submitted new nominations through the IAP process will be reminded to update the course development schedule.
  5. OERu Regional meetings
    • Focus: To design and develop open business models from the perspective of individual partners to be tabled at the Council of CEO's meeting in October 2015
    • Meetings:
      1. Australia / New Zealand regional meeting to be hosted by University of Southern Queensland on 27 August 2015 followed by an Openspace conference on 28 August 2015. Paul Stacey from Creative Commons will facilitate these events.
      2. BCcampus has confirmed that they are willing to host a North American Regional Open Business Model meeting for Canadian and American partners. Dates to be confirmed.
  6. Discussed development of the CIPP input evaluation survey.
    • Noted that we have requested feedback on the design of Version 2 of the survey. Wayne and Jim from the Strategic Planning group are working with the researcher at the Australian Digital Futures Institute to finalise the draft.
    • Planning to administer the survey in August 2015 and prepare the report during September 2015 for discussion at the OERu partners meeting in October 2015.
    • Agreed to incorporate an item to assess barriers and obstacles to participation in the OERu network and invite selected working groups to identify barriers they have experienced for inclusion in the survey.
    • Discussed advantages and disadvantages of administering the survey as an institutional survey versus inviting responses from individuals at OERu partner institutions.
    • Agreed to incorporate an item to distinguish an institutional response from an individual response so that the data can be analysed accordingly.
    • Agreed that the Institutional Action Plans should be incorporated as an additional input for analysis emphasising the organisational perspective.
    • Noted that a few interviews with selected partners, who have more experience, are envisaged to gather qualitative information for the input evaluation.
  7. Noted that groups.oeru.org has been adopted as the primary email lists for OERu working groups.
    • Acknowledged the importance for the OERu to simplify pathways and processes for individuals and organisations to engage in the partnership. Many find the OERu being too complex. David Porter will post on this topic.
    • Illustrated that the groups.oeru.org posts have now been incorporated into the OERu aggregated feed
  8. Noted that community.oeru.org (OERu discourse community site) is being seeded with authentic content to trial this community building technology as the main community site for OERu.
  9. Reviewed the Action calendar
    • Noted that this list is intended for scheduling the management related activities to coordinate the distributed work of the OERu groups for shared target dates.
    • Noted that a separate academic calendar of events will be created. This could be used for scheduling academic activities, for example training courses to support OERu staff.

Action items

  1. Follow up with Canadian leaders to schedule a regional open business model planning meeting.
  2. Add input evaluation dates to the action calendar.
  3. Invite selected working groups to provide barriers and obstacles to participating in the OERu for inclusion in the survey. Done --Mackiwg (talk) 03:58, 29 July 2015 (UTC)
  4. Incorporate item in Input evaluation survey to distinguish institutional responses from individual responses.
  5. Invite OERu contact points to update the course development schedule