Anatomy of Mautic course campaigns

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  1. OERu learning segment used for all learners who express interest for an OERu micro-course via Mautic landing page or course site registration. Count represents cumulative unique registrations.
    • Title: OERu learner

There are two main segments for each micro-course used used to assign learners to the respective course announcement email campaigns.

  1. Segment for the cohort instance. Course registrations on Wordpress course site (using Mautic synchronise in WP) - includes landing page leads who opted to register on the course site.
    • Title convention: eg LIDA104 starting Wed 13 June 2018 (Assign course code tag)
    • Alias convention (used for WP --> Mautic API): lida104-20180613
    • Description convention: Segment for LIDA104 cohort starting Wed 13 June 2018
  2. Segment for independent study announcements - cumulative total of all learners who opted in for independent study option plus email announcements via the preference survey.
    • Title convention: eg LIDA104 Independent Study 1 announcements
    • Alias convention (used for WP --> Mautic API): lida104is-2018-06
    • Description convention: Segment for IPM101 independent study group
  3. Segment for independent study cummulative - cumulative total of all learners who opted in for independent study option irrespective of email choice.
    • Title convention: eg LIDA104 Independent Study 1 cummulative
    • Alias convention (used for WP --> Mautic API): lida104-independent-study
    • Description convention: Cumulative total for learners who have opted for LIDA104 independent study.

There are four supplementary segments

  1. Landing page segment to record learners who registered interest via a Mautic landing page
    • Title convention: LIDA104 Landing Page 06-2018
    • Alias convention: lida104-landing-page-06-2018
    • Description convention: Segment for LIDA104 leads via Mautic landing page
  2. Orientation emails segment to keep track of learners who requested orientation emails for the respective micro-course
    • Title convention: LIDA104 Orientation emails
    • Alias convention: lida104-orientation-emails
    • Description convention: Segment for LIDA104 learners who opted in for orientation emails
  3. Orientation emails current segment used to keep track of learners currently engaged in the associated orientation email campaign (contacts are removed after last orientation email is sent).
    • Title convention: LIDA104 Orientation emails current
    • Alias convention: lida104-orientation-emails-current
    • Description convention: LIDA104 learners currently participating in orientation email campaign
  4. Microcourse learners cumulative totals of unique users who registered via Mautic landing page or course site.
    • Title convention: LIDA104 Learners
    • Alias convention: lida104-learners
  5. Course site registration used for learners who first registered via the course site (rather than Mautic landing page i.e. leads who don't have the course landing page tag). Used to assign course site registrations to cohort study segment.
    • Title convention: IPM102 course site registration
    • Alias convention: ipm102-course-site-registration
  6. Cohort study (number): Used for learners who opt in to course emails via preference survey.
    • Title convention: IPM101 Cohort study 1
    • Alias convention: ipm101cs-2018-09)


There are two forms for each micro course:

  1. Get started lead capture form embedded into micro-course landing page.
    • Type: Campaign form
    • Title convention: LIDA104 get started lead capture form
    • Fields: First name, Last name, Email
    • Button text and attributes: "Register my interest now!"; Input attributes: btn ; Container attributes: class="cta"
    • Description convention: Form for prospective learners to get started with LiDA104
    • Redirect url: Micro-course summary on site, eg.:
  2. Micro-course preference survey embedded into preferences landing page.
    • Type: Campaign form
    • Title convention: LiDA104 Preference survey
    • Fields: First name, Last name, Email.
    • Options:
      1. Preferred delivery option (radio group): a) Group cohort to start with next group offering b) Independent self-study to start immediately.
      2. Country (County list)
      3. Would you like to receive the orientation emails to get started? a) Yes please b) No thanks
      4. Would you like to receive course announcements via email? a) Yes please b) No thanks
      5. Would you like to stay connected and receive OERu news? a) Yes please b) No thanks
    • Button text and attributes: "Submit and get started!"; Input attributes: btn ; Container attributes: class="cta"
    • Description convention: Survey to determine IPM101 preferences for self-study or cohort based offering plus opt-in information needs.
    • Redirect url: Micro-course site on, e.g.:

Landing pages

For each micro-course there are two Mautic landing pages:

  1. Micro-course landing page
    • Purpose: Lead capture and assigning learner to the corresponding micro-course preference campaign.
    • Title convention: E.g.: IPM101 Landing page
    • Associated form: Embeds the corresponding Get started lead capture form
    • Example: See IPM101 Landing page
  2. Micro-course preferences landing page
    • Purpose: Determine preferences for 1) Cohort or independent study; 2) Opt-in for course announcements 3) Opt-in for OERu newsletter .
    • Title convention: E.g.: IPM101 Preference survey
    • Associated form: Embeds the corresponding Micro-course preference survey
    • Example: IPM101 Preference survey landing page.


  1. Landing page thank you email for micro-course lead
    • Title convention: E.g.: LIDA104 Landing page campaign thank you email
    • Subject field convention: E.g.: [OERu] Thank you for your interest in OERu's LiDA104 micro-course
    • Purpose: Acknowledge landing page subscription and provide link to the preference survey. The email also provides information on: cohort versus independent study, orientation emails and general information about the micro-course and OERu.
    • Example: [OERu] Thank you for your interest in OERu's LiDA104 micro-course.
  2. Reminder - Customise your study preferences
    • Title convention: E.g.: IPM101 Reminder - Customise your study preferences
    • Subject field convention: E.g.: [IPM101] Reminder: Customise your study preferences
    • Purpose: Used in micro-course landing page campaign as prompt for leads to complete study preferences triggered by test for, eg. "IPM101pref" tag applied on submission of corresponding form.
    • Example: [IPM101] Reminder: Customise your study preferences
  3. Reminder - Start of next cohort
    • Title convention: E.g.: IPM101 Cohort start reminder
    • Subject field convention: E.g.: [OERu] Next cohort of IPM101 starts soon!
    • Purpose: Sends out reminder to landing page lead of the start of the next cohort for leads who have not expressed preferences for cohort or independent study options (leads who have responded to the preference survey, get relevant course communications.)
    • Example: [OERu] Next cohort of IPM101 starts soon!
  4. Course registration detials
    • Title convention: E.g.: IPM101 course registration details
    • Subject field convention: E.g.: [OERu] Registering for an OERu course
    • Purpose: Explains the differences among registering and account on the course site, enrolling and logging-in to the course site for users who have not registered and enrolled on the course site.
    • Example: [OERu] Registering for an OERu course
  5. Course announcement emails
    • Course announcement emails for each session are published on the course site. Duplicate copies of these course announcements are integrated into Mautic campaigns (both independent study plus cohort-based campaigns) for users who have opted-in for course announcements or registered on a course site.


  1. Micro-course landing page campaign: Used for lead capture for learners who "signup" via micro-course landing page.
    • Page name convention: IPM101 Landing page campaign
    • Summary of campaign actions
      1. Sends thank you email with link to preference campaign
      2. Tags assigned: Landing page tag (e.g. ipm101landpage); Unique OERu learner (e.g. OERu learner) cumulative micro-course learners (e.g. ipm101 learners)
      3. Assigned segments: OERu learner tag (e.g. OERu learner); Micro-course landing page segment (e.g. ipm101 Landing Page 09-2018);
    • Tests for preference form submission and sends up to two reminders to complete preference reminder form
    • Sends cohort start reminder for learners who have not completed preference survey
    • Sends email on how to register on course site for learners who have not completed preference survey or not already registered via course site.
  2. Test for course site only registration: Used to determine if learner has only registered via the course site.
    • Page name convention: IPM101 test for course site only registration
    • Summary of campaign actions:
      1. Tests for landing page tag (e.g. ipm101landpage) to determine if learner has previously subscribed via Mautic Landing page
      2. If no Mautic landing page tag will assign the following tags: course site registration tag (e.g. IPM101 Course site registration)
      3. If no Mautic landing page tag will assign to the following segments: Micro-course segment (e.g. cumulative segment for IMP101 learners); OERu learner (cumulative segment for OERu learner).
  3. Preferences campaign: Used for learners to choose: Cohort versus Independent study; Opt in for OERu orientation emails; Opt in for email course announcements; and Opt in for OERu newsletter subscription
    • Page name convention: IPM101 Preferences campaign
    • Summary of campaign actions:
      1. Tests responses from preference's form and applies the following course specific tags: Cohort study (e.g. ipm101cohort); Independent study (e.g. ipm101is); Orientation emails (e.g. ipm101orientation); Course emails (e.g. ipm101email);
      2. For preference survey respondents who have opted for cohort study, the campaign will send a cohort start reminder email followed by an email providing instructions on how to register on the course site. (If the campaign detects that the learner has already registered on the course site, it won't send the email with course registration instructions.)
      3. For preference survey respondents who have opted for independent study, the campaign will test for learners who have opted in for orientation emails and delay sending of the course registration email for the duration of the orientation campaign (3 days) otherwise it will send the course registration email immediately.
      4. Preference survey respondents who select to receive the OERu Newsletter will be assigned to the segment for managing newsletter subscription and confirmation of email address.
      5. Campaign will assign respondents to the following segments based on responses to the preference survey: Cohort segment (e.g. IPM101 Cohort study 1 - cumulative total);