OERu/Planning/Develop an OERu partners manual/Meeting 1

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Time and date: May 12, 4:00 - 5:30 PM Pacific Time
Location: Google Hangouts (Link will be sent before meeting)
Host: --Irwin DeVries 04:56, 8 May 2014 (UTC)


  1. Welcome and aims of the meeting
  2. Review and determination of aims and objectives of the working group.
  3. Determine priority of suggested tasks
  4. GSOC Peer evaluation project - Wayne
  5. Members of the working group - Do we need more contributors?
  6. General

Proposed aims and objectives of the working group

Proposed aims of the working group

The partners manual aims to:

  1. provide existing and new partners joining the OERu with the information they need to maximise the benefits of membership and participate actively in the operations of the OERu network.
  2. incorporate guidelines and suggestions for course design and development incorporating exemplars of "best practice".

Proposed objectives and tasks

  1. Agree the scope and objectives for the partners manual
  2. Assign and confirm primary authors and roles for drafting the manual
  3. Determine table of contents for the partners manual

Re-framed objectives based on decisions during the meeting

  1. Agree the scope and objectives for the partners manual
  2. Determine table of contents for the partners manual
  3. Collaboratively author the first draft of the OERu partners manual.

Tentative ideas for table of contents

Please use the live wiki page for further development of the table of contents ideas.

  • What is the OERu?
    • Who is (are) our target user(s)
    • Key features of OERu courses --> 5 things you should know about OERu
  • OERu overview
    • Logic model
    • Courses and credentials
  • How to become involved
    • Institutional membership
    • Participatory roles
      • Benefits and obligations of participation
      • Putting courses forward
      • Designing and developing courses
      • Credit and transfer
  • Developing a course for the OERu
    • Getting started in the wiki
    • Putting a course design and development team together
    • Communication tools and practices
    • Delivery formats/models
    • Designing for OERu learners
    • Designing for assessments and credit

Minutes and decisions

Icon key points.gif
Key points
The Course Design and Development Partners Manual working group:
  1. Agreed the aims and objectives of the working group
  2. Deferred the development of an induction MOOC till after the partners manual is completed
  3. Agreed to complete the collaborative development of a succinct quickstart guide by 15 July 2014.

  1. Attendance: Irwin DeVries (convener), Gail Morong, David Porter, Wayne Mackintosh, Kelly Warnock. Apologies Sarah Lambert, Vasi Doncheva, Jo Smedley, Lenora LeMay
  2. Reviewed and approved aims and objectives of the working group
  3. Discussed tentative ideas for table of contents
    • Agreed primary audience for the manual being OERu partners and course developers (including subject matter experts, learning designers, graphic designers and multimedia professionals.)
    • Noted the challenge that we should not prescribe pedagogy but that general guidelines and common approaches for OERu course development are needed.
    • Noted that a general student orientation is required for OERu learners but falls outside the scope of this working group.
    • Noted that most partners do not have experience in the culture and approaches used in open collaborations. Discussed ideas for developing a short video to help explain how open processes work and why they are important.
    • Agreed that the manual should incorporate succinct pointers to communication tools and preferred communication approaches in the OERu collaboration.
    • Emphasised that the manual is intended to be a high-level, quickstart guide and not a detailed "service manual". For example, the section covering the OERu could answer 5 things you should know about the OERu.
    • Agreed that brevity will be a guiding principle for development.
    • Noted that we should remix and reuse existing resources where possible.
  4. Discussed pre-meeting submission from Sarah Lambert to develop an induction MOOC for OERu.
    • Noted that this is a good idea but the group does not have the capacity to develop an induction course at this time.
    • Agreed that the working group should prioritise the completion of the manual as a first priority.
    • Noted that the working group will revisit the suggestion once the initial manual is completed.
  5. Discussed the proposed timeline and approach for the development of the manual
    • Agreed to model the collaborative development approach whereby the team work on the pages together, rather than assigning the authorship of the sections to individuals.
    • Noted that we should aim to complete the subsection on developing courses first as this will be needed by partners who will commence development on their course nominations in the coming months.
    • Agreed that we will complete the brainstorm of the table of contents within the next two weeks.
    • Agreed that we will target the completion of the first version of the manual in 6 - 8 weeks time.
  6. Adjourned at 12:05 NZST.

Action items

  1. Transfer objectives to landing page of the working group - Done --Mackiwg 01:23, 13 May 2014 (UTC)
  2. Update page for brainstorming the table of contents and share the link with the working group via email. Done --Mackiwg 01:55, 13 May 2014 (UTC)
  3. Complete brainstorm of the table of contents by 25 May 2014.
  4. Defer development of Induction MOOC to matters arising in the next agenda (so we don't lose the idea) Now incorporated into the development of the OERu course sprint --Mackiwg 05:50, 16 August 2014 (UTC)
  5. Working group to complete first draft of the manual before or on 15 July 2014 (8 weeks)