OERu/Planning/2015 Institutional Action Plans/Kwantlen Polytechnic University

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Contact information

Name of OERu partner Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Contact person for this IAP Dr. Salvador (Sal) Ferreras
eMail for IAP contact person Salvador.Ferreras@kpu.ca
Name of primary OERu contact Todd Mundle
eMail of primary OERu contact todd.mundle@kpu.ca

Executive summary

Kwantlen Polytechnic University is a founding member of the OERu. In 2015 KPU intends to move forward its institutional flexible learning and open studies strategy. A team of faculty and staff will begin to provide open education opportunities at KPU through a coordinated set training, design and course development activities. In addition, KPU will be exploring complementary activities associated with prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) and open badging, as components of its institutional open education plan. Outputs of institutional activities will result in two new open courses in 2015-16 that can be put forward as KPU’s contribution to the OERu network.

2015 Objectives

  • Course specification, design, and development
  • Capacity building among KPU faculty and staff for open design and development practices
  • Building technical capacity for support of KPU open studies and OERu activities using MediaWiki (Wikieducator), Word Press and KPU’s Moodle and Mahara installation
  • Exploration of Open Badge Factory as a software platform for bade creation, issuing and authentication
  • Networking with OERu partners to adopt and share innovative practices and approaches to open design, delivery and assessment

OERu course contributions and FTE allocation

Name of staff member or Department Name of existing and new course development nominations Total FTE days
Diane Purvey (Dean of Arts) Dean of Arts and proponent of open studies course and PLAR initiatives at KPU TBD
Meg Goodine (Manager, Learning Technologies) Key staff lead for learning technologies, training and service development open education services at KPU TBD
Rajiv Jhangiani (Faculty) Ethical reasoning methods course: Micro course and modular components TBD
Farhad Dastur (Faculty) Psychology research methods course: Micro course and modular components TBD
Katie Warfield (Faculty) Our Pixilated Eyeballs Course TBD
Nicola Hardwood (Faculty) Contemporary issues in social media course TBD
Todd Mundle (University Librarian and Acting Vice-Provost Teaching and Learning) OERu operations contact

University Librarian and Acting Vice-Provost Teaching and Learning


Participation in OERu working groups

Name of staff member email address Assigned OERu working group(s) Total FTE days
Todd Mundle todd.mundle@kpu.ca Partner engagement
Meg Goodine meg.goodine@kpu.ca Technology
Diane Purvey diane.purvey@kpu.ca Credit transfer

Participation in the OERu community source initiative

KPU is one of five contributiong partners to the community source shared Open Source Technologist position. This equates to a 50 FTE day contribution in addition to contributions on working groups and course development.

Name of staff member email Address Community source focus
Meg Goodine meg.goodine@kpu.ca Design and implementation support
Maggie Fung maggie.Fung@kpu.ca University CIO