Curtin University 2015 IAP

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Contact information

Name of OERu partner Curtin University
Contact person for this IAP Catherine Clark and David Gibson
eMail for IAP contact person
Name of primary OERu contact Catherine Clark and David Gibson
eMail of primary OERu contact

Executive summary

Curtin is in its initial stages of developing awareness and understanding of the potential of OER in the institution. The 2015 IAP focuses on activities to help accelerate our learning and to initiate actions and organizational structures to enable OER in both internal and external roles. The IAP for internal roles will explore how OERs will enhance learning and teaching, increase sharing of course materials, OER in the library, licensing compliance and awareness, and better review. The external roles will focus on increasing public access to education, widening of participation of social inclusion and regional targets and global impacts; and recognition of Curtin offerings and impacts on global OER.

2015 Objectives

  • international networking re OER
    • discussions concerning credits for recognised learning
    • non-credit options
    • varieties and levels of openness
    • assessment strategies
      • Develop a proposal for a global Open Assessment Resources project to develop a shared approach to assessment of learning outcomes linked to OER materials
  • Internal awareness raising concerning OER materials, resources, and units
    • Establish an OER reference group for Curtin Teaching and Learning
    • Hold meetings and workshops to explore OER issues at Curtin
      • Develop increased awareness and communication linkages with Curtin ‘portfolio admission’ and prior learning processes
      • Develop knowledge of options for the pathways model (below)
      • Develop a pathways model from MOOCs, through unbundled options to existing online learning courses
      • Embed licensing options into OER materials creation processes, including sub-unit level media (images, videos, quizzes, texts, workshop activities, etc.)
      • Explore incentives and recognition for teaching staff who develop and use OERs
  • Engagement of the Library with faculties as well as Teaching and Learning
    • Development of licensing protocols and
    • Build a strategy to educate and encourage use of openly licensed content, possibly using resources review processes
  • OERu Course development
    • Identify best value-added contribution in collaboration with OERu curriculum team and utilize existing MOOCs to begin the process of developing into the online pathways space
    • Seek ways to provide open content simultaneous on Open edX and OERu
    • Propose to include new ‘non-MOOC’ game-based or digital learning experiences with appropriate badging for OERu
    • Integrate OERu participation to Curtin’s Digital Strategies and Curtin Online efforts

2015 FTE contribution for OERu course nominations

Name of staff member or Department Name of existing and new course development nominations Total 2015 FTE days
Kathy and Kate Academic and Professional English 10
Katy Campus Quest (game of readiness for campus life) 10
Katy Campus Quest for Online Learning (game of readiness for online learning) 10
Kristen Leadership Challenge 10
Anna Careers Challenge 10
Jacqui The Business of Mining 10

Note: The estimate on days is rough and will be updated as we go along. We are seeking to get double-use out of the development time (internally and not claimed for any other external funding)

Participation in OERu working groups

Name of staff member email address Assigned OERu working group(s) Total FTE days
David Gibson Strategic planning
OERu partner engagement
Catherine Clark Strategic planning
OERu partner engagement
Vanessa Chang Strategic planning
OERu partner engagement
Jim Mullaney Standing committee for credit transfer
Curriculum and programme of study
Course approval and quality
Ros Cameron? Standing committee for credit transfer
PLAR portfolio course