Memory Techniques

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Based on NZQA 7119

People credited with this unit standard are able to:describe memory processes and demonstrate memory techniques.

This unit is used in the following courses

Describe memory processes.

  • Description includes the identification of processes of receiving, storing, recalling, and transferring information, in terms of short-term and long-term memory.
  • Description includes the identification of techniques for transferring information from short-term to long-term memory.

Range: two visual techniques, two auditory techniques, two kinaesthetic techniques.

Demonstrate memory techniques.

  • Own preferred memory techniques are identified, and reasons are given for each choice.

Range: any one or more of - visual, auditory, kinaesthetic.

  • A set of information, with at least ten items, is recalled after at least three weeks, with an accuracy rate of 80% or greater.
  • The technique(s) used in achieving 2.2 is (are) identified.

special notes:

  • Statement on learning. The purpose of including this statement is to express the underpinning concept of learning in this unit standard, in the expectation that it will guide in the design of any associated teaching and assessment:Effective learning is specific and individual for each learner. It involves an awareness of the need to learn, and the desire to learn. This means:
  • taking responsibility for one’s own learning;
  • exploring and optimising own learning potentials;
  • learning with confidence, curiosity, and initiative;
  • being aware that skills and resources needed to achieve learning goals are either within, or are available to, oneself;
  • being able to transfer learning to new situations.