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Wiktionary-logo-en.svg mass
(physics) The quantity of matter which a body contains, irrespective of its bulk or volume. It is one of four fundamental properties of matter. It is measured in kilograms in the SI system of measurement.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the article "mass" Retrieved 24 05 08


Wiktionary-logo-en.svg weight
The force on an object due to the gravitational attraction between it and (typically) the Earth.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the article "weight" Retrieved 24 05 08


Wiktionary-logo-en.svg displacement
(physics) A vector quantity which denotes distance with a directional component.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the article "displacement" Retrieved 24 05 08


Wikipedia svg logo-en.svg  force
In physics, a force is a push or pull that can cause an object with mass to accelerate. Force has both magnitude and direction, making it a vector quantity.

This extract is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. It uses material from the article "force", retrieved 24 05 08.

free body diagram

Wikipedia svg logo-en.svg  free body diagram
A free body diagram is a pictorial representation often used by physicists and engineers to analyze the forces acting on a free body. It shows all contact and non-contact forces acting on the body. Drawing such a diagram can aid in solving for the unknown forces or the equations of motion of the body.

This extract is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. It uses material from the article "free body diagram", retrieved 24 05 08.


Wiktionary-logo-en.svg equilibrium
(physics) The state of a body at rest or in uniform motion in which the resultant of all forces on it is zero.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the article "equilibrium" Retrieved 24 05 08


Wiktionary-logo-en.svg slope
  1. (mathematics) The ratio of the vertical and horizontal distances between two points on a line; zero if the line is horizontal, infinite if it is vertical. The slope of this line is 0.5.
  2. (mathematics) The slope of the line tangent to a curve at a given point. The slope of a parabola increases linearly with x.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the article "slope" Retrieved 11 05 07

click and drag

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click and drag

Navigate the cursor over the object you wish to move. Click and hold the (left) mouse button. Drag the object to the desired location. Release the mouse button.