Life Skills Development/Unit Two

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Parenting is a life task for which many are unprepared. More and more young people are becoming parents before they are ready to fulfil this task. Physical and sexual abuse of children is a major problem in our society. “It takes a village to raise a child”. It is important that all become more confident and develop parenting skills whether they are yet to have children or are parents at that time.


To develop in trainees basic concepts regarding parenting and the responsibilities and joys of being a parent and sibling, and to equip them with strategies to improve family life.


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Upon completion of this unit you will be able to:

  • Identify conflicts that arise in family relationships.
  • Demonstrate ability to communicate feelings and choices.
  • Recognise the joys and responsibilities of consensual sex parenting relationships
  • Analyse behaviours to delay sexual activity until one is mature and ready for family commitments.
  • Identify positive and negative consequences of sexual activity
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the coping skills associated with the adult responsibilities of childbearing, child rearing and effective parenting practices
  • Analyse behaviours to identify when their own children are abused or at risk.
  • Seek responsible help if they become victims of abuse.

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  • Can I as an adult truly understand my children?
  • How will I know when I will be capable to have a child?


Parenting is an undertaking that should not be taken lightly. I am sure that every parent wonders about all the possibilities that could be concerning their children. But no one can tell you when you are ready to undertake that responsibility, however, this Unit attempts to help you to cope with some of the challenges of parenting and enhancing our knowledge of what being a parent entails.

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  • Is sexual pleasure worth the risk of pregnancy and contracting a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)?
  • So I have decided to be sexually active what am I going to do to prevent an unwanted pregnancy?
  • How would I want my partner to end a relationship with me?


Think about these questions carefully, for the answers form the basis of your sexual health practises and your overall health and well - being.