Lesson 1. Human Resource Planning

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Human resource or manpower planning is of great important in the general development and growth of organizations. Thus personnel and Human resources experts, managers and practitioners have now made it known to management that adequate attention be given to it with a view to ensuring better use of other resources especially capital. Organisations have also realized that with increasing competition and complexity in business, more time should be devoted to effective human resources planning to achieve desired goals. Furthermore organisations have known that not only is the overall cost of human resources high , that human element is complex, unpredictable and sometimes difficult to develop or change unlike capital that is relatively easier to acquire, manager or control.

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Human resource planning means the '" process for determinig and ensuring that organisations have adequate number of qualified persons available at the proper time, to carry out functions that satisfy both individual and organisational needs"

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At the end of the lesson you shouid be able to:
  • mention some need\purposes of human resources planning.`
  • reduce personnel costs/expenses associated with excess live


Human Resources Planning Process

  1. The stating point of human resource planning process (HRPP) is the determination of corporate or organizational goals. This will now help us to have a clear vision of the future aspiration of the organization and plan towards the realization of its objects.
  2. Identify the direction the organistion wants to take to achieve those goals e.g through the introduction of new technology, a new project of by diversification. This will then be translated into human elements needed for the actualization of the set objectives.
  3. Take inventory of current manpower position to determine future needs.Information such as educational qualification, skills , experience, type of job, sex, age and geographical location should be considered in planning manpower needs. In other words, we have to take stock of our current manpower to enable us forecast what we need in future. This involves job analysis, job description and job specification
  4. A manpower audit is equally important: This will show the actual number of employees on the establishment which will form the basis of operations. For instance, if there is manpower deficiency, the organization could correct the situation through its personnel/administrative programmes. This could be achieved through the following means.
  • Recruitment
  • Training and staff development
  • Promotion and transfer etc
  1. Evaluation of our strategies is the next important step.

This means that it is necessary to evaluate if recruitment training and development in terms of benefits cost analysis etc would be beneficial or not with a view to taking appropriate action.

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Delphi system involves the use of large number of experts and managers who are required to present their own idea of future manpower or human resources requirement for a particular time. They are expected to fill questionnaires on human resources needs in each unit, section or department within the organization. These statements and assumptions are passed anonymously to others by an intermediary. These inputs are reviewed and analyzed by different experts and managers until a final forecast paper on human resources needs qualification, skill, experience etc, is acceptable by the experts/managers. It is the belief that inputs and criticism of experts before a consensus forecasts was accepted would make it more accurate for implementation in the organization. This method has been shown to produce better one – year forecast than the linear regression analysis. It is m mostly used to generate predictions. It is however criticized because of the problem of synchronizing or integrating the opinions of experts.

Nominal grouping technique: This is another type of expert forecast. With this system, managers/experts are brought together to discuss for about 10-20 minutes. Their views ,ideas or criticisms are listed on a sheet of paper before a consensus is reached. This system is advantageous in that experts are brought together to discuss unlike the Delphi technique. It is also use to identify orgnaisation problems and proffer solutions to them.

This system is similar to managerial judgment forecasting method used in small organizations that are not rich enough to have data banks for their human resources information and job analysis


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Mentios five problems of human resource planning

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Read more effective and efficient use of human resources

Karosibina 15:37, 26 February 2007 (CET