Add a Photo

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Try it out! You can add a photo, sound or video just click on the Add to this video button.

<kaltura-widget kalturaid='0hj8n0rkpo' size='L' align='C'/>

Add a photo from a local computer

Let's begin by adding a photo that resides on your local computer (or a memory card that is attached to your local computer).

Icon activity.jpg Activity
  1. click the Add to this video in the black video widget above and you will be directed to the Add to Collaborative Video: IUT Collaborative Video page.
  2. click on the Photo button
  3. click on the Browse button
  4. navigate to the photo of your choice
  5. select the photo of your choice
  6. click open to add your photo (you should now see you file in the table of files associated with the collaborative video with the 'status' column blank.)
  7. click on the Upload button to complete the upload of your photo (the status column should now read Done)
  8. click on the Next button. You should now see a preview of your photo and two text fields (Title and Tags).
  9. edit the Title textfield if you do not want the original filename as the title.
  10. add some descriptive words to the 'Tags field that will help you identify the photo at a later date.
  11. click the Finish button.
  12. read the licensing information and click OK when you are satisfied. You should now see Done! in large font.
  13. click on the Finish button again.

Congratulations, you have just added a local photo to a collaborative video in WikiEducator. You can continue adding photos, videos, or sounds or press play to see what it looks like!

Add a photo from a flickr

Another way to add a photo to the video is from the flickr website. flickr currently has over 9 millions CC-BY-SA.png images and over 14 millions CC-BY.png images that you can add to a collaborative video. Their slogan is Share your photos. Watch the world.

Icon activity.jpg Activity
  1. Click the Add to this video in the black video widget above and you will be directed to the Add to Collaborative Video: IUT Collaborative Video page.
  2. click on the Photo button
  3. click on the Flickr button on the left-hand sidebar. You should now see a 'Search' textfield.
  4. type a search term or terms in the textfield. You should now have a gallery of thumbnail images to choose from.
  5. select an image by clicking on it. The image should now have a + sign in the lower right corner.
  6. click on the Next button when you are satisfied. You should now see a preview of your photo and two text fields (Title and Tags).
  7. edit the Title textfield if you do not want the original filename as the title.
  8. add some descriptive words to the 'Tags field that will help you identify the photo at a later date.
  9. click the Finish button.
  10. read the licensing information and click OK when you are satisfied. You should now see Done! in large font.
  11. click on the Finish button again to complete the process.

Congratulations, you have just added a photo from flickr to a collaborative video in WikiEducator. You can continue adding photos, videos, or sounds or press play to see what it looks like!

Congratulations, you should now have added one or more photos to the collaborative video! If that did not go so well, we can show you how.