Day in the life of a conference and events organiser/Resources/Workplace email

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Image courtesy of derrickkwa


This is an Assessment -Answer Guide

Unit Standard 24872 - V1, Level 3, Credit 3 - Produce documents for a workplace using a computer - Element 3 (PC)3.


Using email in a workplace - Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using email in a workplace.


Answer the following questions:

1. Write below, two advantages of using email instead of meeting with or talking to a client.

a. quick

b. person still gets message even if not there

2. Now, write one disadvantage

a. can be impersonal or misunderstood

3. Write below, two advantages of using email instead of a memorandum (memo)

a. questions can be answered quickly rather than redistributing another memo

b. able to copy and forward more easily

4. Now write one disadvantage

a. can compromise security of organisation as confidential information can easily or accidently, be passed on or distributed

5. Write below, two advantages of using email instead of a text message

a. can write more in an email than a text message

b. more easily understood as text language can cause confusion

6. Now, write one disadvantage

a. emails getting too long to read on screen - need to be broken up into smaller ones

7. Write below, two advantages of using email instead of a letter.

a. easily sent to multiple people

b. personally signed

8. Now write one disadvantage.

a. no personal signature

Supporting Resources

  • course notes