Cost and Financing in Open Schooling

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These self-instructional resources have their origins in a workshop on the Costs and Financing of Open & Distance Learning which took place from 6-10 August 2007 in Gabarone, Botswana. The workshop was sponsored by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) with the overall aim of building capacity to plan, negotiate and manage appropriate financial arrangements for the development and maintenance of ODL in member states. Twenty-five participants from eight countries attended the workshop.

Workshop Participants

The workshop was facilitated by Ed Du Vivier an independent education and training consultant, with the assistance of two resource persons: Ms Frances Ferreira, Education Specialist: Basic Education and Open Schooling from COL Head Office, and Prof. Pankaj Khare, Director, International Division of the Indira Gandhi National Open University. Administrative and organisational support was provided by Mr Thulaganyo Thutoetsile and Ms Topoyame Dilys Mogotsi from the Southern African Development Community - Centre for Distance Education (SADC-CDE).

These resources were created by the facilitator for the following target groups:

  • chief executive officers, chief financial officers and senior managers in open schools, colleges or universities or in dual-mode institutions;
  • members of governing bodies or advisory committees for ODL institutions;
  • political office-holders, permanent secretaries and senior managers in ministries of education;
  • members of higher education authorities or funding bodies;
  • other professional and managerial staff in ODL institutions;
  • anyone who is interested in the development of open & distance learning.

The materials comprise a series of eleven units, each of which includes specific learning objectives, explanatory text, practical exercises, questions for discussion and recommendations for further reading. The units are as follows:

While these units develop in a natural progression, it is not necessary to work your way through all units from start to finish. Instead, please feel free to dip into the units as you wish.

Icon activity.jpg

Portfolio Activity

These resource materials were initially developed as a print-based course. Using the WikiEducator platform, they were converted by the author, Ed Du Vivier, and Patricia Schlicht, Programme Assistant, eLearning and ICT Policy at the Commonwealth of Learning.